015. mexico heals the heart

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015. mexico heals the heart

when graciela arrived in mexico she had texted all her friends to let them know that she had arrived.

no one knew that the girl was in mexico.

she enjoyed it that way. the girl had spent the first few days of her time writing in her journal in the apartment she had kept in mexico city.

she had visited days after and somehow managed to fly under the radar of the mexican football players that played in mexico. it was pure joy for her.

slowly she found herself forgiving the actions of the german and spanish duo. i mean what could the girl expect her past relationship had ended the same way.

at least in that instance her boyfriend had cheated with someone she didn't know, someone she could hate.

after about two weeks, the girl had made the rash decision to quit working in the media industry. she was pretty and could make a living as anything else. the girl was going to put all of her knowledge into becoming a professional youtuber.

but like all things, she hadn't ended up doing that. the girl just tried her best to heal the pain she had been feeling. during the third week in mexico graciela mostly cried. she was feeling bad about not being there for jude.

she felt even worse about abandoning those that had stood by her.

in the fourth and final week of the month graciela had spent with emilio lara, a mexican footballer that she had taking a liking to.

the two would go on dates and makeout in random corners of the club america training grounds.

they both knew what there relationship was. a distraction for graciela, and for emilio it was the same.

both youngsters where trying to get over a past relationship.

mexico had healed her heart in ways she didn't think were possible. somehow she believed that she would be able to face the two people who had broken her heart most.

so after a month in mexico the girl decided it best to return to barcelona.

so after packing up her things she let the apartment that she had been loaning to her brother and headed back to the airport.

she said her goodbyes to her family and informed them that she would be back for her brothers return to the national team.

then she marched into the airport with determination in not only her eyes but her heart. the girl was going to be facing the two people that broke her heart in two and not give a care in the world.

the plane ride was chaotic but the girl had finally found her seat and posted a tweet before putting her phone on airplane mode.

gracie alvarez :)


mexico healed my heart. barcelona here i come!

7:15 pm ∙ jan 2023 ∙ 316.9k views

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Hey besties! so i know this chapter is kinda short but it's because it's kinda a filler chapter to let you all know what graciela did was up to in mexico and how long she was there. enjoy this chapter. 

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