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Reading back on this story, I've definitely noticed the many mistakes, grammar and plot wise. Please just ignore those as when I can, I will go back and clean them up. I believe because of how long it's taken for me to write this, I've forgotten some of the thing I've written out for Hallie and her character. I apologize for how confusing it can be.

Hopefully I'll be able to finish the next chapter as well and publish it soon since I've finally been taking the time to get back into writing. I still do not know if I want to continue her story after seasons 3 or just end it and have this as a stand alone book. Please let me know what you'd like to see and I'll be able to plan it out based on your guys' thoughts.

Again, so sorry for not updating as much. I'll try a lot harder now.


We drove as fast as we could, racing against the sunset. It was getting close to dark and we were running out time. I was following Scott and Kira in my car and I knew it was too late when we arrived and it was pitch black. The three of us froze as gunshots rang out from above.

We looked at each other before bolting for the stairs. Running up two at a time, entering the apartment, I look around, ready for a fight.

Finding only everyone ready to attack us, Scott decided to talk first, "What happened?"

Everyone relaxed at our presence, that's when I took in Derek laying on the floor. I rushed to him, seeing he had no injuries I could see before focusing on the conversation again.

"They disappeared. They literally just vanished," Allison answered with deep breaths.

"And so did Stiles," Noah said, a look of worry on his face.

"What do we do now?" Kira asked.

"I guess we wait for him to show up, make the next move," I say, standing back up, "Everyone go home, get some rest and we'll come up with something tomorrow."

Everyone slowly agrees before heading to the exit.

"You comin' home, Hal?" Scott asked.

I shake my head, pulling Derek up from his position on the floor. Hearing the door shut and footsteps receding, I turn to Derek, ordering him to turn around.

"Did this happen from the fight?" He ignored me, instead heading to a closet near the stairs. Fishing out a chess board, I'm confused about what he's trying to accomplish, but before I can ask, Peter joins us.

"What are you doing? And more importantly, why aren't you healing?" He walks around the table as I stood back, my arms crossed and hip popped out.

"It's from one of their swords. It'll heal," He said, looking back at the board. His eyes moved to focus on moving the chess pieces to the right places. 

"By playing chess?" I asked, moving to sit on the table with my legs crossed under me.

"Back in his room, Stiles had a board with my name on one of the pieces. If this is a game to him, then I need to figure out the plays." I tilt my head at his explanation.

"Not so easy to do when it's a game without rules," Peter said, fiddling with one the pawns.

"What does that mean?" Derek asks, looking up at his uncle.

"You're dealing with the kind of spirit that's lived too long to play by human rules. It's fox spirit that chose to become human. And supposedly, that's something they can do only after about 100 years. If a kitsune is an annoying pain in the ass, then a nogitsune, a dark kitsune, is a freaking disaster." My heart drops at his words as I watch him pull a coat on.

Full Moon //Derek Hale//Where stories live. Discover now