Chapter 3

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Amy woke up when her alarm went off, put her clothes on which had the least amount of holes in and went to the bathroom. Afterwards she got her school bag together and walked into the kitchen for some breakfast.
Amy heard Lou get up and then Jack, Amy was just finishing her cereal when Snotty Lou ( as Amy had nicknamed her) walked in.
"Amy I have a honeymoon couple who want an extra long Trail ride and picnic today".
"What time Lou".
"11am Amy".
"Well first of all let's start again Lou, Good Morning Amy, Morning Lou,  Any chance you can do a Trail ride today please. Sorry Lou I can't,  you see because I'm only 16 I have to go to this place called School. So you'll have to find someone else".
"Shit. Okay well I have a couple who want to go and look around on horseback about 6.30".
"Sorry Lou, my Curfew starts at six which you and Grampa set, and I won't be back until 5pm as we have study class after school to help me with a few problems I'm struggling with. Anyway I must go or I'll miss the school bus, Bye.  Bye Ty."
"Bye Amy, have a good day at school".

Ty was laughing to himself as he was washing up his cereal bowl.
Amy got on the bus, but felt embarrassed about her clothes.
She could hear them whispering about them until Ashley Stanton loudly started slagging her clothes off.
During the day Amy got on with her school work until Ashley joined them in this particular class, the teacher was strict and Ashley started causing problems straight away, eventually Amy lost her patience and let rip at Ashley.
"Amy Fleming,  I will not tolerate this behaviour in my class, you will have detention after your study group".
"I can't miss, I won't have anyway of getting home, and Ashley Stanton was the one who caused me to raise my voice, some of us can't afford new clothes every day and all she's done is slag me off because of my clothes".
Another student stood up and defended Amy.
"Ashley Stanton,  you will also do detention, then you can take Miss Fleming home on your way to your home".

Later after Detention was finished at 5.30, everyone walked out of the classroom,  there was only six of them and as Amy got to the carpark she saw Ashley Stanton driving away.
Amy was so unhappy, life was against her ever since her mother died.
She walked back into the school telling the teacher that Ashley drove off leaving her here, and asked if she could use the phone to call home for someone to come and collect her.
No one answered their phone's, so Amy called the house phone and left a message.
Amy started walking but knew a short cut through a couple of the other Ranches. Amy looked at her phone and saw it was 5.40pm already, then again she didn't really care anymore, what else could they do to her. Lou would only allow text messages and incoming calls on her mobile which probably belonged to Noah, it was that old.
Then her phone rang and it was Lou, Amy explained what happened and a big argument started,  Lou told Amy it was her mess and she had to sort it out herself.
Amy was in her own little world, the trouble was when Amy started thinking like this she always ended up  thinking about her Mum and how the crash was her fault, how her father had come back and started trouble,  trying to control her just like Loù and Grampa.
Amy suddenly heard Cows mooing  and commotion, Rustlers, she didn't think she'd been seen but started running away as fast as she could until she felt the pain and everything went Black.

It was 6pm and Lou was wondering why Amy was taking so long to get home.  Ty walked in and told Lou he'd had a missed call from Amy.
"It's not like Amy to be back late from school she probably missed the bus, maybe she got hold of Grampa,  he'll be home soon."
Jack walked into the house about 7pm and started taking his boots off, " We're going to have to keep a eye on the cattle for a few day's,  Reg's place got hit very late afternoon, took over 70 head of cattle,  and I've got a missed call from Amy, no message though, where is she".
"She's not home yet Grampa, she probably missed the bus again."
Ty was trying to think why Amy didn't leave a message then looked over towards the House Phone which was blinking.
"Jack, there's a message on the house phone".
Jack looked and switched the answer  phone to play.
They listened and Jack realised Amy could of been there when the Rustlers  were there.
"Ty let's go, Lou phone the RCMP and tell them Amy's missing and could have  been on Reg's land when the Rustlers were there".
Lou was starting to panic, and wished she'd gone and picked her up.
The RCMP got the Helicopter up in the air and it was over Reg's place before Ty and Jack got there.
They could see the Search light even though it was still Twilight, but there was a lot of tall grass. It didn't help that much so they turned on the Thermal Detection unit and within five minutes they found her in the long grass.
The police Helicopter radioed for a Lifeline Helicopter and radioed Amy's Location to the ground units then landed.
Ty and Jack rode straight towards the Helicopter, as they got closer Ty could see Amy's clothes.
Within a few minutes the Medical Flight turned up and as soon as they landed they were out the doors and took over Amy's care, the RCMP wouldn't let Jack or Ty anywhere near Amy. All they could see was all the equipment around her on the gurney.

Ty was sat by Amy's bed holding her hand, she had been in surgery for 4 hrs due to a high velocity bullet ripping through her chest, she had a collapsed Lung, punctured Spleen and a broken Rib, the splinters of Rib Bone are what punctured her Spleen.
Tim suddenly walked in and told Ty to leave.
Tim sat down looked at his Daughter and put his head in his hands. Amy was on life support for the time being, but Tim wanted to know what the hell was going on at the school for them to let a 16yr old school Girl walk 23 miles home.
At 60mph it would take 23 minutes.  But walking it would take about 7 hours or 3 hours as the crow flies.
Tim was fuming.


To be continued

A Young Amy Fleming Where stories live. Discover now