Chapter 16

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Over the next few months  Amy was starting to feel a little better in herself although she still missed Ty so much, but he hadn't made any move to see her or say Sorry. It was as if she was to blame. She suspected that he knew he had messed up but was to proud to admit it .
Eventually it was Graduation Day and Amy and Elaine  couldn't wait, the hall was packed with pupils and Parents and Graduates, Amy knew she had no one there for her as she never informed Jack, her father was still in prison,  Lou banished to New York, she looked but wasn't expecting Ty, he wasn't there anyway.
Elaine grabbed Amy's hand as she was called up and Amy smiled for her friend as she accepted her Graduation papers. Then Amy's name was called and she was up there as quickly as she could without actually running up there.
The evening celebrations went on but by 10pm Amy was falling asleep so made her way up to her room.
Amy was up early, very early and was completely packed up, infact it was all in her trailer and so was Spartan.
She went into the food hall to get some breakfast and saw Elaine in the queue so snuck up behind her and scared the living daylight out of her. It certainly woke everyone up and they all burst out laughing, Elaine was pretending to strangle Amy. They were all in good moods.

Eventually Amy was ready to hit the road, Elaine was waiting for her Mother to collect her, they had each others phone numbers, but that's all they needed for now as neither of them knew where they were going to be. There was hugs, crying, more hugs and then they were gone.
Elaine was just about to get into her mothers car when she saw Ty ride up on his bike.
"Elaine,  where's Amy".
"She's gone Ty, she gave you 4 months and you turn up now."
"Where's she gone, back home".
"Doubt it Ty, she has a Truck and a large Equestrian Trailer with living quarters,  so she can go anywhere, that's why she couldn't give me an address Ty, see ya".
Elaine got in her mums car and waved him goodbye as her mum drove away.

Ty sat there on his bike as it suddenly dawned on him that Amy did leave him behind, he'd expected her to come running to him once she'd Graduated,  but she didn't, and now he had no idea where she'd gone. He was on his own, he called her bluff and Lost because he couldn't say sorry and admit he was in the wrong.

Lisa was preparing dinner for herself and Jack when she saw a Large Truck and trailer coming towards the Ranch House, it pulled in tight into the corner just passed the Q Hut.
Then Round the front walks Amy who is a Young Woman now, she stops at the door and knocks it. Lisa ran to it and opened it giving Amy a very big hug.
"Come in love, so have you Graduated or on a break".
"Graduated,  Fully Licensed Equestrian Veterinarian".
"Congratulations Amy you've done a wonderful thing, we do not have enough Equestrian Vets".
They spoke for some time and Lisa asked if she was coming home.
"No chance Lisa, I escaped this place and those who were trying to control me, infact they almost killed me Twice. Anyway, I'd better get going  as times moving on".
"Jack will be home in a couple of hours ".
"I really need to make a move, tell Jack Hello and I'll be intouch when I decide where I'm going to plant roots down".
"Amy, where's Ty".
"Oh err, we're not together as he sort of cheated on me, and couldn't even apologise, so I'll be intouch Lisa, bye."
Lisa stood at the door and watched as Amy swung her Truck n Trailer round and drove off.
Amy wasn't sure where she was going,  she drove for a couple of hours and finally pulled over on the edge of a stop area. The first thing she did was let Spartan out and tied him to a long rope so he could Graze in amongst some long sweet grasses by the edge of the woods. He was behind the side of the trailer and then Amy went and cooked herself something to eat.
Later she took Spartan for a ride before bedding down for the night.
Amy made sure everything was locked up from the inside then went into her living area and started looking for Ranches for sale in some of the Newspaper's she picked up and on her Laptop as she was in a WiFi zone.

The following morning Ty was still at the Garage, but he was lost.
They'd both been working so hard they'd forgotten they were in a relationship,  he thought about that for a while and realised that he was the one who'd forgotten he was in a relationship, they only got to see each other at weekends and he was always out with his new biker friends and he loved being around the young women,  laughing and drinking. They new he was with Amy and they respected there relationship except one of them who encouraged Bev to go after him.
Ty knew he had to go after her, he couldn't live without her in his life. First though he had to find out where she was, but he would have to wait for a while. He had to give her time to settle down and for her to get her name out and about,  then he could look for her.

Amy had been looking for somewhere  and working for a veterinary practice who dealt with horses for 6 Months when she found a Ranch in Red Deer North of Calgary but South of Edmonton, and they were in need of an Equine Veterinarian and Horse Behaviourist.
The Ranch wasn't massive at 400 Acres but did have a renovated 4 Bedroom,  2 Bathroom Log Ranch House. Small Barn for 8 Horse's, with a Hay Barn and an Out Building big enough for her to build her own Equine Clinic.
It had the usual paddocks and a ring corral. This was just what she dreamed about, and now she could choose it herself. She had no one saying the usual crap about how can you afford it, how you going to run it. Your not capable of doing it ect. So Amy bought it, it had a lot of furniture in it already and it was really nice furniture.  The people who inherited the Ranch wanted a quick sale. Amy spoke to them and explained what she wanted to do with the Ranch,  she made a generous offer and they accepted.

Amy called her Ranch in the Native American Language, *Spirit Horse*
Manitou-sun'ka wakan, She had learnt a lot from her Native American Friends and studied it at College as it fascinated her of the connections and how they thought of the Horse.


To be continued

A Young Amy Fleming Where stories live. Discover now