Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Everyone was laying on the ground with their ears Ringing, Ty had held Marion's ears instead of his own to protect her.
Penny took Marion into the house as Ty and others ran to the Clinic just as the RCMP came into the Ranch.
"The Fire crews and Ambulance are on there way."
"Thanks officer's,  my wife's in there and Tim Fleming, we heard gun shots before it blew."
The officer's could see that Ty was panicking.
"Don't you get any idea's of trying to go in after her, here's the Fire Service now, let them do there jobs, it'll be safer for her in case she's badly injured, how many Oxygen Cylinders did Amy have in her Clinic Ty ?. "
"2 Large ones."
Ty needed to talk to someone so phoned Lisa.
"Hello Ty, how are you".
"Not good Lisa, Tim found us and as I pulled up to the house with Marion I heard shouting and arguing, it was Amy and definitely Tim's voice, followed by gun shots,  then the Clinic exploded, there's nothing left Lisa, how could she survive that."
"Are they looking for her Ty."
"Yes, but it's a complete mess of small pieces."
"Ty were already on our way, this is going to be the fastest drive over, ever."

Eventually Ty was taken to the wrap around Porch of the Ranch House and told to sit down and wait for them to do their job.
Forty minutes later and Lisa and Jack turned up to see the Main Gate wide Open and Jack saw the tail end of  Tim's Truck hidden just off the road.
They drove up to the house, already seeing the smoke still rising into the air.
Lisa was first out the car and had Ty enveloped in her arms as his emotions finally got the better of him.
After Marion saw her Grandparents she jumped out of Penny's arms and opened the door running straight into GG Jacks Arms.
"Hello my little princess."
"Hello GG, is my mommy going to go to heaven."
"I hope not, your mommy told me she wanted a lot of children and she only has you so far, but your mommy is  very brave and strong , she also wouldn't want to leave you on your own, or your daddy."
Just then there was a whistle and everyone went quiet.
Someone shouted and the others ran over.
Half an hour later and the paramedics were rushing over with a Gurney.
"You stay here with Marion Ty, I'll go have a look."
Jack went over Just as they were about to cover the person.
"Sorry Sir, He was still alive, but we think releasing the pressure caused his body to go into shock, he just passed Away."
"Good,  saves me having to shoot him, please find my Granddaughter, he  always ended up nearly killing her, one way or another."
They continued trying to use the body heat detection cameras but there was still to many small fires.
The Fire Dept were slowly dousing them and then they were going to try again.
Ty, Lisa and Jack were sat on the Porch waiting for news, the rescue teams were searching,  but time was passing by to quickly.
Then the whistle went and everywhere went very quiet.
"Over Here".
They started pulling up the wreckage  and clearing a space, Ty wasn't far away and saw the EMP's go in.
Suddenly they were calling for the Paramedics,  who rushed in,  5 minutes later one came out and walked over to Ty.

"We have her cleared ready for extraction, she's been shot in her shoulder and another bullet skimmed her scalp, as you know the head bleeds a lot so she looks worse than she actually is, unfortunately her BP keeps dropping and we're not sure why."
Just as he started to walk back, his radio went off and a voice started telling him they'd found the problem.
A piece of the exploded oxygen Tank from the operating room had torn off in the explosion and hit Amy in the side, but they had no idea how far  inside of her.
Ty was waiting by the Ambulance for her when they carried her out of the  wreckage.
"We've packed the wound well and she's on morphine and clotting drugs.
That piece of metal will have to come out in Surgery so she doesn't bleed out."
"Thank you, for saving my wife".
"Will you be coming with your wife or following."
"I'll follow you."
The Ambulance took off and Ty went to see Marion.
He explained that her mummy was hurt but will be okay.
"Ty, I'll stay here and watch her so you, Jack & Lisa can go to the Hospital."
"Are you sure Penny."
"Yes perfectly, now go, all of you."

It had been two hour's and Amy was still in Surgery.
Ty and Jack n Lisa were waiting to see Amy's doctor when he called them in.
"Please have a seat each. I'm Dr Davis,
and you are Mr Borden, husband [ Ty nodded yes] and you are, ( "Step Grandmother to Amy Borden"), and (Amy's Grandfather), Thank you. Now Amy was shot in the shoulder and another bullet skimmed her scalp, they have been tended too.
Amy's still in Surgery as the surgeon needs to take that piece of metal from the Oxygen tank out from her side.
Now the've x-rayed her and found that it's also stuck into her Spleen which is why her Blood Pressure kept dropping. As soon as the've finished I will come and find you."
"Thank you , Dr Davis."

Two weeks later, Amy was sat across the porch swing and cuddled up in a large knitted blanket and cushions. She was still recovering,  she'd lost her Spleen due to the impact of the metal from one of the Tank's. She had also hemorrhaged  which explained the blood pressure problems when they found her.
When Ty came home after work he found Amy asleep on the 3 seater swing sat sideways with lots of cushions behind her, and by her side on the inside of the swing was a sleeping Marion curled up to her Mum. Amy for the first time since she was 5 yrs old felt safe.
Thankfully Jack phoned Scott and he took the horse and performed the surgery , the owner was so pleased.
When Amy came home from hospital she was met by all the children who were training in the different events and their trainer's were with them, Amy's own little show Jumpers were there too, the parents of all of them were with them and clapped their hands together for Amy. She had lots of flowers,  Get Well Cards,  and a good supply of Chocolates.


To be continued

A Young Amy Fleming Where stories live. Discover now