Chapter 17

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2 Years Later

Amy had a lot of work done and her Clinic built using the old building. None of it looked New, The Ranch looked as it did when it was built over 160 years ago, all Amy had done was getting all the woodwork restained with something that was an Oak colour and would preserve the wood for another 25 years or longer.
Amy was really busy, and her Website was up and active, she had a photo of herself with Spartan in front of her Ranch house, photo's of the the rest of the Ranch and the main gate with the name plate hanging from the main cross Beam,
** Manitou-sun'ka wakan **
The Symbols Amy had on all the buildings was this.

Amy was really busy, and her Website was up and active, she had a photo of herself with Spartan in front of her Ranch house, photo's of the the rest of the Ranch and the main gate with the name plate hanging from the main cross Beam, ** Manitou-su...

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The Medicine Wheel.

Amy had even started platting thin strands of her hair near the front of her face with a few beads. Her friends who were Native American had been to see her and help with setting up the Ranch, they were the ones who played with her hair and Amy loved it so much she said she'd keep them.
One of them had been training Amy in self defense techniques including a few martial arts moves for when Tim gets out in twelve months time. Amy had already had her 24th birthday and was not taking any chances, she'd be ready for him if he turned up.
She'd finished work and was heating up some Lasagne from the day before.
Ty had been looking everywhere, he'd also been leaving photos of Amy saying she was missing and he was looking for his fiancee. He started  looking for her about 12 months ago  and was working here and there, he hoped that she had a website by now.
The place he was working at near Calgary wanted him to drop off a horse at a Ranch called Spirit of the Horse in Red Deer, he said the young woman was very experienced as well as a Vet and would be able to sort the horse out without breaking it's spirit.
Ty was on his way and wondered if this was infact Amy, everything fit, on the way there he hit road works so looked at the address and found a website for it, he clicked on it and was gobsmacked when he saw Amy and Spartan.
Amy had some of her hair at the front either side in plaits, cowboy hat, Jeans and Chaps. He thought how beautiful she looked, even Spartan looked different with all the different Tack he had on. Amy's friends had been messing with him as well.
Ty also realised that Amy had really got into the roll of Horse Whisperer and how the Indian's saw the roll of the horse.

Ty's Sat Nav told him to turn right although he couldn't see anything so he started driving along the winding road when he came to an amazing Entrance and gate to the Ranch.
There was a key pad and he had to enter the Reference number printed on the letter, as soon as he pressed enter the gate started to open.
After Ty had driven through, the gate closed a lot quicker, he followed the arrows on the drive floor and found himself at the front of the Barn.
Ty had always worn a baseball cap so when he got out of the truck and Amy looked over, her world literally slowed down as she took him in.
"TY, is it really you".
"Yes Amy, I'm so sorry, please forgive me, I forgot we were a couple, you worked all weekend's, or Show Jumped, or studied and I guess I looked to the bike club for company.
I never meant for Bev to happen, believe me Amy, I was surprised when I found her in my bag. Please forgive me, I've spent two years looking for you. I Love you Amy Fleming ".

Amy ran to him and wrapped her arms around him kissing him, "You found me which proves to me that you do still Love me, and I Love you, all I ever wanted Ty was a Sorry, and apology, but when you didn't speak I Just had to walk away until you were ready."
"At that moment Amy I honestly didn't know what to say, everything I thought of saying would just sound like an excuse, I know I hurt you, but I needed to think about what happened, I think I expected too much of you Amy. I knew you were studying, and Jumping for your savings for your, no that's wrong, for our dreams. We did see each other, but I wanted more".
"I know you did Ty, that's why after we argued about the bike I realised that you were right, you needed something when I couldn't be there. But that day in the garage, all I wanted was for you to say Sorry and tell me you loved me, I knew Bev was setting it up, like the photos. But I truly thought you'd fell out of love with me".
" Never, you've got me for the rest of your life Amy, that's if you'll have me".
"You still got my Ring on you".
"Yep, in my wallet ".
"Then my finger feels bare without it on Ty".
Ty went on one knee and proposed again which Amy said Yes to and he put the ring on her finger. They kissed and hugged and kissed again.

"So you'd better introduce me to this horse I need to work with my love."
After the horse had been put away Amy gave Ty a tour of the Ranch including the Clinic, then showed him the Ranch House. Ty loved the house and he saw all the photo's of him and Amy around the Lounge.
"Wow Amy ,this is amazing."
"Thanks Ty, so what have you been doing."
"Well, working different Towns Garages, moving around putting up Posters of you which said Missing and my number, I was desperate to find you. What about you Amy."
"I did the same working from my trailer, and looking for a Ranch, then I found this one and I could afford it, but I didn't want to use my back up money for the work that needed doing and the Clinic, I was able to drop them down a bit and thought that if I didn't buy it I'd be regretting it for the rest of my life.
So I bought it and decided to save again for the other work, then I got a phone call from Scott saying he had a big Job for me if I was interested.
Believe me Ty, this prince was willing to pay me for 5 months work what would take a year to earn."
"Wow, a real Prince, what was he like".
"Full of himself, I mean if I wasn't so in love with you, who knows. But then towards the end of the contract I started to see a different person once he knew I wasn't interested in him. I was glad when I finished working for him. The money was nice though, helped me get the Ranch finished, and I never told him about our Ranch, he thought I was living out of the Trailer."
Amy took Ty's hand and pulled him with her. It took ages to show him her bedroom.

Ty eventually got back to work, there'd been an accident on the way so he could at least tell the truth when his boss phoned to ask where he was.


To be continued

A Young Amy Fleming Where stories live. Discover now