Chapter 19

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Ty was at work whistling and engrossed on the car engine he was working on, he's been totally in his own little world since Amy told him he's going to be a father.
"What are you so happy about Ty, you won the Lottery or something."
"So much better than that Pete, Amy told me last night that I'm going to be a Dad."
"Blimey Ty, congratulations, make sure you pass that on to Amy too.
Your one hell of a lucky bloke to have someone like Amy, I mean, she's not only beautiful, and has a fantastic figure, but she has a great personality too, you both deserve to be happy."
"Aww thanks Pete, I will tell her."

A few weeks later and Tim was up before the Parole hearing, they'd taken his behaviour while in prison into account, they'd also read a few letters they'd received including Amy's. After they'd had a brief coffee break and a talk they called Tim back in and granted him a licensed Parole for the remainder of his time, if he behaved himself, he would be totally free in 12 months.
Tim thought to himself that he would check up on Amy first, unfortunately for him, he had no idea where she was living.

A week later and Amy had sent out the Wedding invitations, there were about 40 - 50 invited, Amy, Penny, Ty were busy getting everything ready and sorted.
The new loft apartment which was big enough for two people had been finished about three weeks, so Ty was going to use it for the night before the wedding.
Friday was soon here and they had a special meal in the evening for themselves along with the best man and Bridesmaids . It was getting late and Ty went to the Barn apartment and shut all the doors.
Amy also went to bed after saying goodnight to everyone, and soon everyone else had turned in for the night.
Tim had been looking for any sign of Amy but couldn't find her. In the end he stopped at Heartland, everyone was asleep so he parked up and slept in the truck.

Tim woke early and noticed the whole family were awake. He went and knocked the door then tried to walk in as usual but the the door was locked.
Jack saw who it was and was not pleased about it.
"What do you want Tim, and I thought you still had 12 months to go".
"Where is she Jack, I want her address, do you hear me."
"We haven't seen her since you were in Court, this is what happens when you try to control someone Tim. They move away, change their name, change their looks and dissappear, now get off my Ranch. Just leave her alone wherever she is, she'll be the death of you Tim. At the court house she told me that if you go after her she'll kill you."
"She can try old man, she stood up to me, tricked me using her friends and put me behind bars, I don't forgive Jack."
"Your funeral Tim."
Jack walked back in and didn't look pleased."
"Phone her Lisa, warn her."

"OK Lisa ,thank you. You and jack Park in Red Deer Town multistorey car park and park at the Top. Then take the Lift to the street Level and I'll have someone waiting for you, just incase he follows you, Jim's coming to the Wedding. See you two later."
"Hi Jim, it's Amy. Can you do us a favour. Great, here's what's happening."
Everything at the Ranch was ready and Amy was so pleased the way everything looked.
Jack and Lisa were on there way and Jack was driving Lisa's SUV, he kept an eye on the mirror and noticed that One truck inpeticular had been behind them some 6 vehicles back.
As he drove in to town he saw the car park and drove in, Jack drove to the top floor and parked two spaces from the lift. They entered the lift and descended to the ground floor, outside they saw Jim Parker in his own car waving at them. A minute later they were driving away and disappeared.
Tim eventually found Lisa's car, he parked across the other side and waited.

When Amy heard Lisa's voice she was so pleased they'd made it thanks to Jim's help.
"Hey Lisa, I'm so pleased you made it, and I'm glad Jack came to."
"You were right about him following us Amy, now have you taken all the photo's of you and Spartan off the website love".
"Yes Lisa I have, I've also put a sign on it saying website under construction due to hackers."
"Ha, good one, I like that."
"Thanks, well I have to get into my dress, so sit anywhere near the front, first row would be preferable."
Everyone was there, all were seated and Ty was at the front with his best man, Robin who he'd kept in touch with.
Amy's maid of honour was Elaine and Kate was one of her Bridesmaids, she had three altogether plus Elaine.
The music started and Amy started walking down the Aisle on her own, she didn't deem Jack or Tim Father material after the way they raised her, She felt stronger on her own to walk down to Ty, he couldn't get over how beautiful she looked in her wedding Dress. Their vows were said and the minister declared them husband and wife, their kiss was one of the most romantic kisses ever.
They walked down and out of the Marquee, they mingled with everyone for a while then they were called for by the photographer.

The reception went well and a few speeches by close friends, even Jack gave a speech, his attitude was completely different, it seemed that Lisa had a good influence on him and Amy had never seen her Grampa so different.
Then the dancing started and the DJ was really good, he had a good mix for all ages.
Eventually everything wound down.
Amy and Ty had already retired to bed as Husband and Wife.


To be continued

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