Chapter 14

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Amy woke in the morning still feeling miserable,  got dressed and went down for breakfast.
As soon as Amy walked into the food hall she knew something was different, Other's were looking at her , a few were pointing,  then Elaine turned up and took Amy into town for breakfast.
"Okay Elaine, what was going on this morning around School".
"I was hoping to delay it Amy, until I'd spoken to Ty about it anyway. Look Amy I sent him some of those photo's  and where you were stood there, looking at him as he rode off, but he hasn't looked at them yet".
Just then AMY recieved a couple of messages, then a 3rd and a 4th, Amy opened the first and Elain saw the  shock on her face, then the 2nd,  3rd, and the 4th. Amy stood up in shock, she couldn't believe Ty would do this to her, she loved him and thought he loved her. Elain got up and went to Amy who'd gone a sickly white colour, but all she did was look at the photos of a part naked Ty and a part naked girl next to him. Amy suddenly started gasping for air and grabbing her chest, with tears running down her face she looked at Elaine and said  "My Heart", then fell to the floor.
The Ambulance arrived Quickly and as soon as they had Amy stable they were on there way to hospital.

Ty woke up and sat up, he looked to the left and saw who he still thought was Amy with her back to him, so covered her over with the sleeping bag, he saw his phone had some messages, so opened up the first one and saw a beautiful young woman in black leathers and a Jacket with a horses head on the back watching him and Bev getting on his bike.
He looked at her photo again and he couldn't believe how sexy she looked.
Then he saw the next photo of her walking back crying.
The next photo was Amy sitting on a bench crying her heart out.
The other photos were the Modelling ones that Elain took.
Ty realised that Amy had turned up to  come with him but he didn't see her, but the photo showed Bev looking at Amy.
Ty suddenly felt sick and looked at the blonde hair laying next to him, he moved her hair and saw Bev. She'd coloured her hair similar to Amy's natural hair colour. Leather pants and Jacket and bought herself the exact same Crash Helmet.
Ty took photos of her clothes and hair then his phone went off Just as he finished getting dressed.
Bev woke up and heard a few bikes starting up but couldn't see Ty. She dressed quickly and ran out of the Tent as Ty's bike drove off at high speed.
"Where's he gone AJ."
"Said something about his Fiancee having a Heart Attack or something like it. You knew didn't you Bev, that he had someone he was in love with,  and now he's riding his bike still under the influence.".
"Well she won't want him now, will she, so I'll take care of him".
" She looks ten times better than you do Bev, don't bother coming to anymore meets okay, we do not go after Other's already in a relationship,  so see ya".
"Hang on , what about me, how do I get back."
"That's your problem Bev".

Ty got to the hospital and found Elaine in the waiting room.
"What Happened Elaine ".
"Oh Ty, *Slap* what the hell are you playing at".
"Owch, what you on about, surely this isn't because I bought a bike."
"No it's not, it's because Amy was sent these photos of you with another Blonde in the lake and in a tent, here have a look at Amy's phone Ty."
He looked at them and knew he'd been set up.
"This was a set up by her, the blonde. Look at her clothes Elaine,  she must of followed Amy shopping and bought the exact same outfit, I was drunk last night and do not remember anything at all, honestly Elaine".
"Well if you can't remember Ty I do hope she used protection or you could be a daddy and your Plans for a happy life with Amy will be over before you got started eh".
Elaine walked into A & E and found Amy in a cubicle, she was dozing so Elaine walked quietly inside and saw Amy all hooked up to the machines then saw the Scars in the middle of Amy's chest, Elaine had to put her hand over her mouth so as not to startle Amy.
Ty knew he wouldn't get to see Amy today so rode home, he still couldn't believe he'd been set up, and why didn't he ask Amy to go with him in the first place. Yes he was angry with her about the argument, but in the end she understood why he needed to
have something to do.
But he'd messed up again, something he was getting good at, he knew he should of spoken to Amy first about the bike, she always talks to him if it has to do with her savings, that's what couples are supposed to do, but he never thinks. Then again she has a lot of money and he struggles to save a few thousand.
When he got home he was feeling sorry for himself so pulled a 6 pack out of the fridge.

Elaine was sat by Amy's bed when the doctor came in.
"Hello, you came in with Miss Flaming  is that right".
"Yes it is, we're residential at the College at Chestnut Hill ".
"Okay then , well she's okay it was a very bad Panic Attack and can feel just like a heart attack. I've done a prescription for some low dose sedatives for her if she feels a Panic attack coming on, when she wakes up you can go back to Chestnut Hill ".
"Thank you so much doctor ".
"Your welcome,  take care".
Amy woke up half an hour later.
"Can we go home yet Elaine".
"Yeah, now your awake, let's get you ready, what do we do with these stick on connectors."
"Oh, just pull them off, I did last time".
"Okay,  let's get out of here".


To be continued

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