Chapter 20

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Jim dropped off Jack and Lisa, they'd had a really good chat between the three of them and they'd shared with Jim about Tim which he already knew some things about it as Amy had updated him.
Jack and Lisa got to the SUV and got in, Lisa was driving home so started the car and started to descend to the Exit.
A while later Tim woke up from his mistimed nap to find Lisa's car gone.
If anyone had seen Tim they would of thought he was totally mad as he thrashed around inside his truck punching and hitting things.
A day later and Tim turned up at Heartland. Lisa unlocked the door and opened it.
"Yes Tim, what do you want."
"Where did you both go to when you got to Red Deer ."
"It's none of your business Tim, and how do you even know where we went!!!!."
"You went to see Amy didn't you."
"No Tim, we went to some of Jack's friends who were part of Lyndys band, you see they still play together  occasionally. You do realise that when you come to Heartland your breaking the restraining order. So goodbye Tim and do not come back again ."
Lisa locked the Door and walked away to their bedroom.

Amy had a lot of training going on, for four different Rodeo events, show Jumping  and then Veterinary clinics.
She now had about 6 trainers working for her plus Ranch hands and Stable hands, as her pregnancy was now showing very much.
Amy and Ty had started Building a Mechanics Garage in the field behind the Barn and Stables, it would eventually have it's own entrance, parking and a spares shop. Ty couldn't wait to start working for himself.
Time went past so quickly, the Garage Repair Shop was finished,  the Driveway and Parking area all finished.
Ty's main repairs and rebuilds were Motorbikes, but he also did cars. His business took off like a rocket and within four weeks he was advertising for another Mechanic.
Amy had never seen him so happy, he had 3 jobs booked in for tomorrow.
Ty got in just at the right time as Amy was putting dinner on the table, he kissed her cheek and went straight to the bathroom to wash up for dinner.
Ty ran back in and saw Amy standing by the table with a large puddle on the floor.
"Ha, someone warned me that baby's  always have impeccable timing, I'll get the bag Amy."
Ty came back with her packed bag, and threw some Towels on the floor spreading them out with his foot.
"Okay my love, you'd better warn the Maternity ward were on our way. Don't forget to let me know when a contraction starts "
Amy let them know they were on there way, then shared a bombshell Ty was very surprised about. Amy had been in Labour for 6 hours before her waters broke, she just kept herself  busy, but now they were speeding up.

Five hours later and Ty and Amy were looking at there Little Girl, Marion Rose Borden, 7lb 5oz and Looks just like Her mum.
The following day Amy had visitors,  Jack n Lisa who had big smiles and Amy thought about the app on her phone that changes people's faces like cartoons and started laughing.
Jack n Lisa looked at her, so Amy shared the joke.
Lisa took lots of photos, Lisa thought Amy looked radiant, good colour, and very happy. Then she wanted a proper photo of the three of them, Mummy, Daddy and baby."
Life with Marion Rose seemed to go by so quickly and before Amy and Ty knew it she was starting School.
That first week was hard on Amy, Ty could see it and knew exactly where Amy's thoughts were going.
Months went by and Ty knew Amy was getting depressed.
He was working in the garage shop talking to a customer when he saw the Ranch gate open and Amy drive off towards town. It was a beautiful day, the sun was out and not a cloud in the sky, Amy was shopping for some new clothes for Marion Rose for school, she stopped off at the local diner, even now she missed Maggie's.
Amy was sat at the table near the window when Tim walked in, he'd been keeping an eye on the little town hoping she'd make a mistake.
"Hello Amy, I knew you'd make a mistake eventually."
"Oh, it's you. I  wasn't actually hiding from you, what do you want."
"You of course, and your skills."
"Well I'm a Veterinary Equine Veterinarian now, with my own clinic, so I'm no use to you. Just clear off and leave me alone, I've had enough of so called family and what they put me through, you were never around and when you found out,  well , as usual you did a lot of shouting and threatening , beat my friends up and wanted to lock me up in a room somewhere. Well that will never happen again Tim Fleming, I'm Married to a wonderful man, we have a beautiful Daughter who's just started school, and a business each that are running smoothly. Goodbye Tim."
Amy walked out, got in her Truck and drove home, every so often she checked her mirrors and saw nothing.
Amy pulled forward through the gate and watched it close, then drove up to the Ranch House.
Hey Amy, Marion's helping Miss Saunders to do something after school,  so I'll pick her up later"."
"Okay Ty, can we have a chat after dinner tonight love." "Of course we can, you doing that operation later."
"Yeah as soon as Penny gets back with the horse".
"Okay, Love you beautiful."
"Love you too, see you later."
She walked into the office and started checking the camera's, the one showing the main gate and the road behind it (because their entrance was actually on the bend) showed a truck parked on the side of the road.

Penny arrived with the horse and took him straight into the small
pre- surgery barn which just had two stables inside.
"Thank you Penny , I can manage him from here, you could phone the customer for me please, I left a note in his file, if you do that for me then your clear for the rest of the day."
"Oh, thank you Amy, okay see you tomorrow. "
Amy got on with prepping everything she needed for the horse surgery, she knew Tim was there, she wasn't afraid of him anymore. Amy was in her scrubs ready to start.
"Just sod off Tim and leave me alone".
"You know, Jack told me a few year's ago that if I didn't leave you alone that you'd kill me, and I'm still here."
"For now Tim, but this is your last warning, I'm happy Tim and I will not allow you to spoil our future.
"Big talk for someone who's been running all this time."
"I haven't been running,  Just better at keeping a low profile and getting on with my Life, you do realise that the RCMP are already on there way".
" What you doing Amy."
" Just getting medical equipment out as I'm about to operate on a sick horse which is in the Barn slightly Sedated. Now let me get on with my work and you can go and find someone else to pester. Oh yes, apparently someone you know had a word with the RCMP about you doing the Rustling and it was one of your men who shot me, you dam well knew didn't you."

Penny was in the office and opened the file to find a letter from Amy and read it, she then picked up her phone to make a call, but she could hear raised voices and one heck of an argument,  she thought she heard gun shots going off obviously between Tim and Amy. Ty had picked up Marion Rose and just parked outside the Ranch House as he saw Penny running towards them. He heard Amy's voice and he assumed Tim's voice, he was threatening to kill Ty and Marion if Amy didn't go with him. Then more gun shots going off.
Suddenly it went quiet, very quiet, then the explosion rocked the Ranch and the ground shook as the Clinic Exploded, everyone took shelter as bits and pieces fell out of the sky raining down.


To be continued

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