Chapter 7

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Ty turned up saying hi to Jack and Lou .
"How's Amy doing Jack ".
"To be honest Ty, I've been that busy I haven't had time to see her".
"Lou was listening and immediately came through with the evening dinner.  She served up four plates and left them to dish up the potatoes and vegetables.
"This looks great Lou, you want me to take Amy's to her".
"No its fine Ty, I'll sort Amy's out later, she's probably asleep anyway".
"You know Ty, Lou does this every morning,  Lunch time and Evening,  never wants any help".
"Wow busy you Lou, so what did you give Amy for Lunch today".
"Oh I gave her something quick, eggs on toast".
"Actually Lou I had the last two eggs this morning , and I don't see anymore, so what did you give her".
"Oh there was definitely two eggs left Grampa, you must be mistaken".
"No, I don't think so Lou.".
"Why don't you own up Lou, tell Jack what you've really been doing, because I know".
"I have no idea what you're going on about Ty ".
"I'm sorry Jack but I  had doubts about Amy being fed when I popped in to see her one lunchtime and found her trying to make herself something to eat, she said that she doesn't get fed or drinks. I mean she's supposed to be bed bound for two weeks while she heals Jack, I've already checked her wound with Amy's permission and found  fresh blood. So I set up a camera to the food waste bin in the kitchen.  Want to see it Jack".
"Okay Ty, I haven't had time okay".
"What about the evening meal Lou. Your home for that".
"Oh Jack, Lou throws it straight in the bin don't you, you hate Amy, eh Lou.
You blame her, you trying to kill her".
"Don't be stupid Ty, she's perfectly  capable of eating at the table, there's no need for her to be bed bound".
"I can't believe this Lou".
"Oh the best is yet to come Jack, Amy spoke to Lou from the school and She was told to walk home, didn't you Lou, couldn't be bothered to get help, I could of picked her up Lou".
"Jesus Lou, you could of got Amy killed, even now your putting her in danger. You'd better start looking after her Lou or your off this Ranch, Tim will dissolve the partnership and you'll have nothing".
"I'll take Amy her Dinner Jack, so I know she gets it".
"Okay Ty, thank you".

Lou went to bed but in her head she was still blaming Amy for her mum's death".
The following morning Ty was Talking to Claire from Child Welfare as he truly believed that Amy was going to get hurt due to Lou's grief.
What no one knew was that Lou had bullied Amy out of bed because believe it or not she had a Trail ride she needed Amy to do. Amy shouted back at her that she wasn't allowed to ride yet, but Lou wouldn't  listen, the Argument went on for ages, Lou even picked out the clothes then grabbing her by the hair telling her that she needs to buck up and start working,  wound or no wound.

Jack came in about a minute after Ty got in for Lunchtime. "Just going to check up on Amy, jack".
"Okay Ty, I'll make coffee".
"Hi All, your back just in time for Lunch down at the Dude Ranch".
"Oh sounds really nice Lou, Ty's Just going to check on Amy".
"It's okay Ty I've already checked on her, she is fast asleep ".
"Sorry Lou but I do not believe you".
Ty went to open the door but it was locked.  He turned to towards Lou but she'd already gone.
"Ty, round the front."
" Okay Jack. "
They got to Amy's window and Ty looked in.
"Amy's not there Jack, what the hell is Lou up to now".
Jack heard the Ranch phone ringing and ran in.
"Hello, yes this is Heartland and I'm Jack Bartlett,  have you tried her mobile phone,  oh you have, it's switched off. Okay let's start again .
Who's injured,  right the Trail Rider, call for medivac extraction , yes that's right. Err,  what you mean you can't stop the bleeding,  right,  oh Jesus.
Where exactly are you. She said what. Okay I know where you are, put pressure on using coats, shirts, blankets, anything on the incision site. We're on our way.
"Ty, get in the truck, its Amy".
"What's wrong with her, she wouldn't go out unless someone dragged her out".
"That may have happened Ty, and I think it's time Lou saw a Counsellor ".

Lou was at the Dude Ranch waiting for Jack and Ty but they haven't turned up. Some of the guest's are there but the Trail ride guest's and Amy haven't come back yet.
Suddenly Lou hears the noise and flying low right over the top of them flies the MediVac life flight.
Lou's blood runs cold as she now wonders if it's Amy that's in trouble, then the Trail Ride Guest's come up along the road behind them.
"Oh my god I thought something happened to you when I saw the Helicopter go over".
"Oh that wasn't for us, James's go wash all that blood off your hands and face, I should change clothes too".
"Who's blood is it".
"Oh, yeah, erm that sweet girl you got to take us really wasn't well, she'd had an operation or something and the continual up and down caused her to bleed, oh Hemorrhage that's what she called it, then it got faster, we tried to call you for help and I remembered the other phone number so spoke to some bloke who told us what to do and who to phone.".
"What about the young girl".
"Well she was using some pretty disgusting language about you and called you some terrible names but to be honest,  the paramedics didn't seem to hold out much hope she'd survive, they said she should of been in bed or still in hospital,  so we're real sorry if she don't make it, we tried our best".
"No, I'm the one who's going to be sorry, I'm a monster".
"Don't be hard on yourself,  you didn't know what was wrong with her ".
"That's why I'm a monster, because I did know what was wrong with her   I forced her out of bed to do your Trail ride because I didn't want to cancel it. I knew what could happen and I didn't care, because I blame her for killing my mother in the accident, my own little Sister".


To be continued

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