Chapter 4

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Tim needed answers and got up and left.
When Tim got back to his own Ranch he walked in the barn and looked at his men.
"WHO WAS IT !!!! ."
"Who what boss".
"At Reg's Ranch, Who shot the girl."
"Err, it was me boss, I didn't want her to inform anyone what we was doin".
"Why am I not surprised it was you Clint, that Beautiful young Lady was only 16yrs old, and why did you go after Reg's place, its to close to Town. I told you to stay away from the town".
"How is the girl Boss".
"Thank you for asking Ray, she's hurt bad, she's on Life Support and the thing that really gets me Angry Clint is that the young girl in question is my youngest bloody Daughter".
"Ahhh Shit, I'm sorry Boss".
Tim took his gun out and shot Clint in the Leg.
"If she dies Clint, then so do you".
Clear the back log and get it to the meat plant, stay to the east for now got it".
"Yeah boss".
Tim drove off to have a drink before he settled in for the night.

The following day Tim turned up at the school.
The HeadMistress was stood in Amy's class.
"Ashley Stanton stand up please, I want everyone to take a good look at what a selfish person looks like, what a person who thinks she's better than everyone else looks like, just because she has a mother who has worked hard for where she is now, who has money.
Tell me miss Stanton whÿ you didn't give miss Fleming a lift home last night like you were asked by your Teacher".
"I didn't want someone who was wearing old dirty clothes sitting in my Leather seats, apart from that she runs a Poverty Barn and I can't stand that."
"Well, first of all, Miss Fleming maybe wearing worn clothes but they are clean, the RCMP will want to interview you, you see miss Stanton, Amy Fleming couldn't get hold of anyone to pick her up, so walked home as the crow flies and ran into Rustlers on the way home."
Everyone was shocked and looking around, especially at Amy's empty Chair and Desk.
"Amy fleming is on Life Support after being shot by the Rustlers, Miss Stanton."
The HeadMistress left the room and headed back to her office.
In her office was sat the teacher who didn't even check to see that Ashley drove Amy home. Then Tim walked straight in grabbing and throwing the Teacher up against the wall just as the Head Mistress walked in.
"Put him down please Mr Fleming, you can play with him later, we have other things to talk about regarding your daughter.
Tim let go of him and then sat down.

"First of all Mr Fleming, how is Amy".
"Still on life support for the moment,  it was a high Velocity Bullet which tore through her chest, broke a Rib and Bone fragments damaged her Spleen and Collapsed her Lung".
"I'm so sorry Mr Fleming,  the RCMP are collecting Miss Stanton and taking her for an interview as to why she didn't take Amy home after she'd agreed to, especially as Ashley was responsible for bullying your Daughter about the state of her clothes, she was always well dressed your Amy, Mr Fleming.  However lately she's been depressed,  tired, homework not completed, heaven's knows when she last had new clothes as hers are worn and have holes in them, on top of that she looks guant and her clothes are hanging off her due to weight loss".
"I have no Idea what your on about. She has her own business which she took over after her mother died in the crash and which she almost died in herself. "
"Well Mr Fleming I suggest you as her father find out, you see one of the school counsellors has been talking to Amy, she still blames herself for her mothers death, and she thinks that her Sister and Grandfather blame her too, especially the way she's being treated by her sister. Did you know she had to close down her business because she spent most of her time working for her sister Lou at her Dude Ranch without pay,  she didn't have time to help her own clients Horse's so couldn't earn money for clothes or footwear. Also were you aware they didn't care if she got her homework done. I have passed all this onto the child welfare unit who will be in touch. This is a serious matter of neglect Mr Fleming:. You can continue with the teacher now if you wish."
"Jack Bartlett is her Grandfather and he took control of both my daughters,  Lou left at 18 and my ex wife Marion looked after Amy, afterwards Jack took control and wouldn't even let me on the property".
"You can take this up with Child Welfare, and explain why they are treating her as a slave. Good day Mr Fleming".

Tim went straight back to Heartland, 
"How's Amy Tim".
"I have no Idea, I've been at the School".
"Oh, what's going on at the school ".
Tim told them what he found out minus a few details for now.
"That little bitch, I always knew she had it in for Amy."
"Well it's because of her Amy had to walk home, and got shot. Is that a new outfit Lou". As she walked in from shopping.
"Yes, do you like it".
"You know I  think Amy could do with some new clothes,  the teacher told me how Amy's being bullied and teased about her worn out clothes,  trouble is she hasn't got any Money to buy any new clothes,  did you know that Jack, apparently her sister here doesn't pay her a penny, and you Jack haven't said anything about it to Lou, neither of you are bothered about her getting time to do her homework, she couldn't even find time to work with clients Horse's so closed it down.
That's called Slave labour Lou, and Jack, as you took on bringing up Amy after Marion died it's called Child Neglect. How dare you treat my youngest daughter like this, I know I'm no Angel, but you two.
What is it eh. The HeadMistress thinks both of you blame her for Marion's death and the way your treating her I'd say she's right, even Amy is blaming herself for killing her own mother ".

"So, where have you been dad  considering your supposed to be a Partner and helping with the Dude Ranch, you'll have to do the Trail rides".
"I've just told you about your sister Amy, and all you care about is the Dude Ranch.
Hang on, I thought Caleb was supposed to be doing them."
"Nope, he went off to a Rodeo, so Amy was doing them".
"How many a day".
"2 or 3, lately its been 3 a day, they love it and give generous tips".
"Those Tips are for Amy, not you Lou. Amy's the one doing all the work on the trail rides. How much in tips Lou , and don't lie to me or I'll get the accountant in to go through the books. How much Lou."
"Per day or per trail ride".
"Per trail ride ,sometimes 300".
"You Bitch Lou Fleming,  I want a list of all the trail rides and how much in Tips she got, legally that's hers and you Lou could go to Jail for 10 years. Work it out and I want the list and a cheque made out to Amy for the full amount,  and her wages, she doesn't work for free".
"That'll cost me a fortune Dad,".
"Well you've been earning it so don't be greedy, tomorrow Lou or you can go to Jail."


To be continued

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