Chapter 15

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A few days later Elaine sat Amy down in their room and explained what the little slut had done to Ty, following Amy about,  buying the same outfit, changing her hair colour. Elaine told Amy everything  and how upset Ty was when he realised what had happened and he'd been played.
"That's no excuse Elaine, he could of talked to me about the bike, I  have Spartan and Show Jumping but he hasn't got anything so I would of agreed with him, it's the fact that he didn't speak to me about it or invite me to go with him then this wouldn't of happened.
Also he knew it wasn't me who got on behind him, he got stinking drunk to the point that he let himself get played by that little slut. Then she brags to me about sleeping in the same bag as him, by sending me photos. He obviously has no idea what happened while he was passed out. I mean there truncheon's have a life of there own so God knows. What would he be saying or doing if that had been me drunk in bed with another man. I'm  going to let him stew in it."
It had been a week and Amy hadn't heard or seen Ty and was getting worried. Elaine could see this was upsetting Amy so decided to see what was going on with Ty.

Elaine got to the garage and found Bev sat outside on a bench watching Ty working on a car.
"Hey Bev, haven't you got a Dentist appointment ".
"No I haven't ".
"Well you'll need one if you carry on watching someone else's Fiance,  get lost".
Bev ran off and Elaine started laughing to herself then carried on into the garage.
"Hey Ty, where's you been, not seen you all week."
"Well I'm probably in Amy's bad book's."
"You Think, so what about saying sorry and telling her that nothing happened between you and Bev."
"What you mean, say sorry for what. Nothing happened, and if she hadn't started the argument about the bike then none of this would of happened."
"Typical,  your trying to pass the blame onto Amy. How do you know nothing happened Ty, did she use a condom if it did".
"Nothing happened Elaine, I wasn't that pissed".
"That's even worse Ty".
"Because if you weren't that pissed and you knew nothing happened,  then it means that you allowed her to get inside your sleeping bag with you and you were aware of what was going on".
"Err no that's not what I meant".
"Really, what if Amy had got pissed and ended up with some bloke inside her sleeping bag Ty."
"Then I couldn't forgive her and the Engagement would be over, simple as that."
"So it's okay for you to do it and stay engaged but not Amy."
"Too right".
Elain got up and left.
"Hey, tell Amy I'm waiting for my apology about the bike."

Elaine got back to Chestnut Hill and walked into her room, sat on her bed
and held her head in her hands.
She couldn't believe what she just heard,  she knew this would destroy Amy because she loved Ty so much, and already felt betrayed.
There was a knock on her door and she opened it seeing Amy stood there.
"Come in Amy, I know you don't drink but you may want one after you hear what conversation I had with Ty".
"Okay, nothing too strong though".
"Okay, here have this and I'll have the same, you ready to hear this".
"Yeah let's hear the excuses."
Elaine switched the recording on and held her head in her hands again. Every so often she looked up and could see Amy crying a little more each time he blamed her.
When it got to the end Elaine switched it off and went over to hold her friend as she cried.
"I'm so sorry Amy, I couldn't believe it when he started throwing it back at you, as if you made him get drunk or sleep with Bev inside the sleeping bag.  He just wouldn't admit that he was in the wrong".

Days went past then weeks, so Amy went to see him herself.
She walked into the garage and saw Ty, she didn't bother being all lovey dovey.
"TY, we need to Talk now". Then walked into the office and sat down.
Ty walked in and just stood in the corner. Amy looked at him and didn't see the Ty she thought she knew.
"What's going on with you Ty, I thought you loved me, I  even admitted that I was wrong about the Bike and you needed an interest because I have Spartan, so I don't see why you wanted another Apology which I'd already done. As for what Happened between you and Bev though, well , why are you blaming me for this."
Ty just stood there looking at Amy as if she had something on her face.
"I asked you a Question Ty, I'd like an answer,  why are you blaming me when I already agreed with you about having the Bike like I have Spartan. You told Elaine that if had been me  drunk in a bag with a bloke the Engagement would be over, so do you think I would be within my own rites to say the Engagement is off because of what you did".
Amy was looking at Ty waiting for a answer,  she wanted to hear something,  was he sorry what happened, was he still blaming her, anything.
"Nothing,  do you have any emotions Ty, do you still love me, do you want me, a Ranch, Children, Nothing TY!!!
Okay, If you have nothing to say I will.
Here is your Engagement Ring,  if you really want to Marry me as much as I want to Marry you, then come and find me. Goodbye Ty  I Love You".
Amy stood and walked out of the garage trying to  hold it in till she got outside , then fell into Elaine's arms Sobbing her heart out. Ty was watching from the office window and saw Amy collapse into tears. He had tears in his eye's too, then went back to work. Elaine took Amy back to College,  they only had 4 months left before they hopefully graduated.
2 years at school and 4 years of college,  the 6 years had gone so quickly and she was now 22 yrs old.
Amy had almost reached her target for her savings completely on her own.
For the next couple of months Amy was Quiet, and subdued, all her plans had collapsed, she was in Limbo and she wasn't going back to Heartland.
Then she asked Elaine to take her to get a large Truck and Gooseneck Equestrian Trailer for at least 4 horses with Living space.
She had to pull herself together and get ready to leave Chestnut Hill.  Amy hadn't decided where she was going to go yet.


To be continued

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