Chapter 5

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Amy was still on life support while her body was healing, it had only been 2 day's and Ty was there holding her hand.
Lou had phoned him up asking him to take some Dude Ranch clients on a trail ride, he just said No and ended the call.
"Grampa,  I just asked Ty to do a Trail ride tomorrow and he said no then ended the call."
"That's because I told him to say no. Listen Lou, your going to have to get your own staff for the Dude Ranch, you can't rely on Amy anymore Lou".
"She'll be back to normal very soon then we can start booking Trail rides again."
"Have you not listened to anything I said Lou. Have you sorted out Amy's money,  her Tips and wages yet."
"She doesn't need it yet, she's still unconscious, I'll get round to it".
"Like Tim said, she will need money for clothes and stuff, he's right about that. Maybe she can start up her business again".
"Our business you mean".
"No Lou, Amy's business, she's 16 now and she's not only old enough but brainy enough to run it, she has the gift".
"Well she'll be working for me, I mean us, Because I've put all the businesses together under one name now, The Dude Ranch,  Cattle Business,  and Horse Therapy now comes under,
The Heartland Equestrian Ranch".

"What, You can forget that Lou, there three separate businesses, and Amy won't agree to it either, in case you've forgotten, Marion left the Business to Amy Legally".
"To Late Grampa  I've already registered it as a company."
"I will run my Cattle business my own way. As for Amy she is the Legal owner. Oh, Lou, To change everything you need mine and Amy's signatures"
Jack walks out and drives off, Lou sits there looking worried at what she's done. She's thinking aloud to herself then realises she needs to change the Web Site for Amy's business which she now thinks is hers, simple takeover. Then Tim walks in.
"Morning Lou, I've come to collect Amy's wages and Tips, plus the printout of the hours she worked for you".
"You mean us Dad".
Lou explained what she'd done and registered all three under one Company.
"You've registered You, Jack and Amy under one business name".
"No,,,, You, Me, and Grampa".
"What about Amy, the Horse part is hers".
"Amy will be an Employee ".
"Sorry Lou, but that is not legal as Amy Owns her Business and I will not go for it. So change it back to three separate businesses".
"To late I've already done it".
"Then your a fool Lou, Jack owns his own business,  Amy Owns her own Business,  and you and myself are partners. It's Fraud and against the Law, now where's Amy's money Lou".
"I haven't got round to doing it yet".
"Well I did warn you Lou".
Tim walked out.
"Warn me about what Dad,   Dad".
Lou goes to the Web page but can't get in as Amy has changed the Log in and the Password.
"Arghhhh, AMY,  you little Cow".
Ty walks in to tell Lou she has visitors, but the welcome he receives makes him change his mind.
"What do you want Ty, I thought you were at the hospital with that worthless sister of mine."
The Hospital asked me to come and get some underwear and Pyjamas  for Amy."
"To be honest Ty most of what she has would be an embarrassment for her, so best to tell them you couldn't get any".
"Oh don't bother yourself Lou, I'll buy her some new ones".
"Yeah, you do that Ty".
Lou looks up and see's two officials standing at the open door to the Mud Room.
"Oh, what can I do for you two, and who are you".
"Well my names Claire and this is Julian, we are from Child Welfare and are here about your sister Amy Fleming, I take it that you are Lou Fleming ".
"Yes I am, but Amy isn't in at the moment".
"Very funny Miss Fleming,  we know exactly where Amy is. Now we'd like to see her bedroom please, here's our I.D,s".
"Well I'll take you to it but whether you can get in it is another matter,  I never venture in there, you obviously know what teenage girls are like".
Claire opened Amy's bedroom door and walked inside, seeing it was spotless and tidy.
Julian went to Amy's wardrobe and Lou followed him, as she did Claire picked up Amy's Personal journal and stuffed it into her bag.
Julian started checking out Amy's clothes and Claire joined him , they pulled them out and laid them on the bed taking photos of the state they were in and other photographs of her shoe's and boots, anything else that showed lack of care. They then asked to sit and talk to Lou about Amy.
"We understand you've had your sister working for you, but you haven't been paying her, which is against the law".
"Well, we're family, and family help out each other".
"Yes they do, for a few days, but you've been using your sister as slave labour for some time and that has been reported to the Labour Programme department."
While they were chatting, Jack walked in and eventually he was  asked to sit .

After talking to Lou and Jack they both left. Jack and Lou were completely confused, they'd said things they weren't going to say, the Welfare Officer's had kept talking to them and completely confused them.
"Lou, Tim and myself have told you to sort out Amy's wages and Tips so do it now before we end up having Government Accountants here going through the books, having Welfare here is bad enough and embarrassing.  If you want to go to prison because you still blame Amy for your Mum dying, that's up to you. As far as I'm concerned, it was an accident".
"Yes it was an accident Grampa, but it wouldn't have happened if Amy hadn't took her to get Spartan,  would it".
"Probably not Lou, but that's what they both did, wasn't it. Then again,  look what happened to Amy and she was walking home, I just wish one of us could of answered her call and gone and collected her".


To be continued

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