Chapter 11

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As soon as Chestnut Hill recieved the call things got moving. The head Mistress called Amy who was at Ty's apartment,  Amy and Ty drove to the Academy and hitched up the trailer earlier than they were going to do, Spartan was loaded with his tack and extra food. The Girl who looked like  Amy was having some last minute things done , the lad who was similar to Ty at a distance minus the beard was dressed like Ty does.
Ty and Amy drove off to a Jumping competition an hour earlier than they would of left and drove to the show which was at least two hours away.

Tim drove into town again and parked up near the same parking area and looked around, then saw Amy in the Park, in a short skirt and kissing who he assumed was Ty. The police were aware also.
Tim got out his truck and walked toward the young couple who were frolicking around, kissing etc. As Tim approached the pair he caught everyone by surprise when he grabbed her by the hair, called her Amy and hit her calling her a slut.
The young man who was with her got up off the floor and because he does boxing at school laid into Tim, everytime Tim's head bounced   forward the lad punched Tim hard who eventually fell on his back looking up at the Star formations only he could see.

A little later on Tim was in custody and in the interview room.
He was shown the photo of the girl and lad he had gone after and shown the young lady's face where Tim had hit her.
"That's Amy my Daughter and that's her boyfriend ".
"No they are not Mr Fleming, let's bring them in shall we".
Tim was handcuffed to the table and they were sat opposite,  Tim looked at Amy and suddenly he realised she was a very good likeness for her but he knew that he was mistaken,  the same for the young man.
Tim knew he was probably going back to prison.
"Thankfully Mr Fleming this young lady has only superficial bruises, yours look a lot worse".
"Is that lad being charged for attacking me."
The officer's burst out laughing.  "No he's not, it's called self defense  Mr Fleming. You thought you'd seen your Daughter who as far as you knew was missing presumed dead, you walk over to her and most father's would call her name and if it was would hug them and not want to let them go.
But you attack her, you show no feelings of love that she's alive and well, your nothing but a big controlling Bully Mr Fleming.
Your under arrest for aggravated Assault".

The young lady and lad were taken back to school,  the head Mistress then phoned Amy to let her know what happened.  She couldn't believe what happened considering she was missing. Amy thought he may have shown some interest that he thought she was alive, but to just attack her friends who look like her and Ty , she was speechless. Would she ever get away from him, would he ever leave her alone.
Amy wasn't in the right frame of mind for Jumping and came second,  when they were back at Chestnut Hill Amy ran to her friends,  she was called Kate and he was called Robin, Amy held her in a big long hug repeatedly telling her she was sorry for what happened.
When Claire from Welfare found out from Chestnut Hill,  she phoned Heartland. Lisa answered as Jack was doing a cattle run with about six others bringing the cattle down from the hills.
Claire had a long chat with Lisa about what had happened and her concerns about Amy's mental health given as her father thought he'd found her and didn't show her or basically the girl he thought was Amy any emotions, he just grabbed and lashed out at her, he just won't leave her alone, although after what's he's done Tim's probably looking at 5 to 6 yrs inside. Lisa explained that Amy had been in touch by letter and made her Grandfather very happy.

Amy and Ty took Kate and Robin out for a Chinese meal and Kate came up with a great idea for when Tim goes to court.
Jack got back from the cattle trail ride and they were all now down in the Low Meadows. Jack and Lisa were eating dinner when she decided to tell him that Claire from Welfare phoned even though Amy was now over 18.
"So, Jack. Claire phoned, and Tim went after Amy".
"Ohhh Jesus, what did he do".
"Well apparently he thought he saw them in the park and he walked over, caught them kissing and being a bit near the knuckle  especially with a short skirt on. So he grabbed Amy and punched her, except it wasn't Amy or Ty. Some bloke saw him heading for them and started filming, he got it all on video. He was arrested and he could get  6 yrs for this."
"Where were Amy and Ty then".
"They were on the road, apparently Amy really got stuck into Show Jumping and won the Championships for the year."
"Good for her".
"Pardon Jack, *Good for her* really, is that all you can say for what she's achieved since being on her own for 2 years".
"I'd rather have her here at Heartland  Lisa, this is where she lives".
"Personally I think she's doing great where she is, she's happy, done well in school,  Graduated.  Won the Show Jumping Championships, Got Engaged to Ty, and now she's going to train to become a vet. I'd  say she's being a Teenager and living life to the full".
"Living Life to the full is what I'm worried about, and there's no one there to keep an eye on her".
"I don't care what you think Jack Bartlett,  I always had a feeling she was alive and hiding from her family.
I'm going out to do some shopping so I'll see you later."


To be continued

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