Chapter 13

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It had been two weeks and Amy was still unconscious.
Due to the serious injuries Amy sustained Miss Stanley was kicked out of Chesnut Hill, her Mother sent her to live with her Father who would not allow for her behaviour, she was in fact the reason they divorced because she played them against each other. Her mother found out eventually so she would be interested to find out what happens when he puts it together.

Ty decided he had to let Jack and Lisa know what's happened and started talking to himself as the third person, holding his phone ready to Dial the number.
"If you phone him then the Engagement is off".
"Yes tis I."
"Thank god, I couldn't believe our luck".
"Where's that little bitch".
"Oh she's gone, gone to live with daddy".
"Good, any luck he may lock her up".
"How are you feeling ".
"Not to bad actually,  how long have I been in here."
"Two weeks".
"Are you kidding me Ty".
"No, honest truth,  that's why I was about to let Lisa know".
"Oh blimey,  I'm sorry Ty".
"Why are you sorry, not your fault Amy, actually I'd better press this button to let em know your back with the land of the living".
"That's a good Idea Ty".

The nurses turned up as did Doctor's, over the next few days they checked her over and did tests, scans etc etc.
Ty let the Head Mistress know at Chestnut Hill.
Eventually Amy was back at college but had to take it easy.
While she was resting in her room Amy decided to check her account as she'd won quite a bit on the Jumping circuit, she also knew that she'd finally been paid for all the work she did for Lou and got her Tip's money.
Amy checked the amounts she'd won from 25,000 up to 100,000 and she had 430,000 for the last two years.
Ty was saving as well,  so by the time she finishes college she hopes to have a good amount including the Interest,  hopefully.  Then they want to buy there own Ranch. Of course this is what she's thinking but she still has three years to go and a lot depends on if she can win any Show Jumping competition's as there are always new up and coming Jumpers joining the circuit and someone could turn out to be better than her or a better horse.
One thing Amy's learnt is not to count your chickens until the've all hatched as her mum used to tell her.

A year later , Amy was missing Ty, they'd had a big argument about Ty buying a Motorbike out of the savings which annoyed Amy as she was doing as much Competing as possible as well as her studies and training.
Ty had joined some Motorbike club and was going out here and there.
What really upset her was the fact that he never invited her to go with him when they went on trips, sometimes for 2 or 3 days. She'd also been informed that there was a girl always hanging around the Garage where he worked, but the biggest blow was yet to come.
Amy thought about thing's and realised she wasn't being fair to Ty, she had her Show Jumping and he didn't have anything to do. She decided to talk to him but he wasn't at the garage,  so Amy phoned him instead but it went to voice mail,  now she didn't know what to do.
She needed to say something so decided to leave a message.
Late evening as Amy was just dozing off to sleep  she heard her phone beep. She looked at the message, Smiled and went to sleep.
A couple of days later she hadn't heard from Ty but she knew he had a Motorbike club trip tomorrow.

Amy had been out and bought herself a crash helmet, leather pants and a motorbike Jacket with a horses head on the back and of course boots.
Amy's new friend Elaine said she'd drop Amy off as she was going out anyway.
"So does Ty know your going to join him Amy".
"No, complete surprise ".
"Well I must say that if I was gay you'd be in serious trouble the way you look in all that leather".
"Oh, wow, good to know".
"Oh don't worry Amy, I enjoy the hard muscles holding me and especially that other muscle".
"ELAINE, your terrible, but I do agree with you". Ha ha ha.
"Right,here we are Amy, and there he is,  stood astride that bike."
"ELAINE, Brain out of the gutter now, your man mad, ha ha ".
Amy really looked fantastic and started walking towards the group, she saw Ty sat on his bike then a young woman turned round and Amy saw it was the one who hung around the Garage except she now had blonde hair.
Amy couldn't believe it when she got on behind Ty put her helmet on and then he rode off with all the others.
Elaine had taken some photos using her phone, it's what she's majoring in at college. She wanted to become a photographer.
She waited till Amy came back towards her but Amy didn't realise Elaine was still there and she sat down on a bench and cried.

Eventually they got back to there lodgings, but before Amy changed out of her leathers, Elaine talked Amy into doing some modelling photos of her in her outfit. When she'd finished Amy went and lay down on her bed and gently cried herself to sleep,  she couldn't understand how this all got out of hand. She always spoke to Ty if she needed to buy something out of the savings money, even though it was her own money, in her own Bank account.
But Ty Just blew $6000 on a Motorbike without asking her if she minded, which she wouldn't because it's his money. The question really on Amy's mind , is Ty really into the relationship and buying their own Ranch, does he still want to Marry her.
Ty was having a great time and had had a lot to drink. They'd set up tents near the edge of the wood near the stream which was a good 6ft deep. It was after midnight when someone shouted midnight swim, and most went in including Ty.
His pinion rider named Beverly or Bev for short decided this was her chance, Ty was drunk and one of the other girls nodded to her to go for it, so she joined him. Eventually Ty was  passing out and the guys helped him back to his Tent.
The next morning Ty was still drunk so couldn't Ride, he then realised he only had his shorts on, he wasn't alone and she had her arm around him and he could feel her up against his back, he thought it was Amy, Ty then nodded off again just as a few flashes went off.


To be continued

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