Chapter 18

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Amy knew Tim would be getting out soon, he had a year left but would they make him serve the whole time.
She phoned Lisa much to Lisa's surprise and invited them both over for Sunday Roast dinner,  she also asked Ty to make sure he was available to stop the whole weekend not just Saturday night, Amy wanted him there Fri, Sat, and Sunday night.
She wanted him to move in with her, but wasn't sure if the distance to work was more or less.
Amy had been busy all week, she'd added an extra braid either side as Ty said he found it a real turn on and loved her new look. He suggested she put something around the middle of her cowboy hat which she did.

Ty turned up on Friday after he finished work, the first thing Amy asked him , was he desperate for food or could he wait a while. He never got to answer as he was to slow and was dragged into the bedroom.
Amy emerged an hour later rather dishevelled in her appearance, Ty's T shirt just covered her bottom but Amy had grown up a lot and so had her confidence now she was 24.  It was their home and the doors were locked, so was the gate.
Amy took the food out of the fridge and straight into the microwave.
Before long they were both eating some great food and believe it or not a bottle of wine between them.
It wasn't that Amy disliked alcohol,  it was something she enjoyed on special occasions only, and privately.
On Saturday Amy asked Ty if he fancied a trail ride, she didn't have to worry about barn work anymore as she'd hired a Stable hand who cleaned them out, she brushed them, then took them rides, if there were to many she ponied a few each time.
They were out for 3 hours, took a small picnic and sat by a small river that ran through the property,  had some fun ,(Ahem,) and they really had a great time.

When they got back Penny came out the barn and told them she'd sort out the horses.
"You don't have to do that Penny, it's Saturday."
"No it's fine. My boyfriend is running an hour late and it looks like you have a visitor."
"Did they say who they were Penny".
"Just that he'd come to forewarn you about something."
"Okay, thanks Penny,  Oh my manners, Penny this is Ty my fiance."
Ty and Penny said hello to each other, and Amy said she'd find out who the visitor was.
Amy walked up the steps onto the porch and saw Jim Parker sat there.
"Hello Amy, nice Ranch you've got yourself  young lady".
"Thanks Jim, it was a good decision,  no Vets around this area, what you doing so far from home, is Jack and Lisa okay".
"Yeah there fine, I actually came to forewarn you of an upcoming Parole hearing next week, so if you want to put your voice to paper about why he shouldn't be released until he's done his full time write to em".
"No need Jim, hang on a minute( Jim sat waiting while Amy went inside).
"Here we go Jim, already written a letter just incase this happened ".
"I'll get this on there desk first thing Monday morning Amy".
"Thanks Jim, and thank you for coming out here".
"Well I had to come out part of the way because were having problems with a load of Rustlers around the Hudson and Calgary area at the moment, I like ya new look Amy, it suit's you ".
"Aw thanks Jim".
"Your welcome Amy, take care you hear".
"Will do Jim".
Amy waved as Jim drove off then wondered where Ty had gone. She walked toward the Barn and saw Penny brushing down Spartan  so walked in, Amy was suddenly covered in loose Hay, she coughed then Sneezed   "Ty Borden,  your dead when I get my hands on you".
Penny couldn't stop laughing as Amy went after Ty up in the top of the Barn, Penny couldn't see them but did hear them running around,  then a big scream from Amy as Ty must of caught her, then Amy laughing and asking Ty to stop tickling her, then it went very quiet and Penny put Spartan away and left the barn laughing to herself Just as her boyfriend turned up.

5 Months Later

The Area had been having a lot of problems with Rustlers, taking Jim's advice from a couple of months after his visit about looking after themselves and the trouble they'd been having with Rustlers in their area Amy went to a local electronics shop and spoke to the owner about security but not for the Ranch House as she already had that in spades, this was for the Ranch, she couldn't just sit out there keeping watch. She couldn't have cameras set up because it would cost a fortune to put Electricity out there. Then the young man said he had just the thing, he bought it for himself but they charged him for 2 as it was a minimum purchase Order of 2 at sale price, so he had a spare if she was interested.
Amy got back and set everything up , she knew Penny was out walking horses.
Penny was out riding and had two other  horses with her, she didn't hear a thing until Amy's voice said "What ya doin" behind her, Penny stopped and looked around but couldn't see anyone. Then she heard laughing coming from above her and looked up.
"Amy, that you playing silly buggers."
Then she burst out laughing as well.
Penny watched as this white 6 rotary fan Drone came down to her eye level.
"What do you think to our security  Drone, saves having to ride out and it has night vision."
"DAM good idea there girl". Then burst into laughter again.
"Okay, see ya later Penny,  byeeee."
Amy flew off to quickly check the Ranch,  she thought it funny that she wouldn't wear a VR head set to play PC games but would for security.
Ty came home not to long after and after having dinner they sat down and Amy explained about the security  idea.
"This is a great idea Amy."
"Thank you love, this one is just for messing about, he's getting a much bigger one and going to do some work on it for me. Then he's going to come out and map out the Ranch."
"What are you up to Amy."
This new Drone will take a few months to build and test the technology but it will be stealthily quiet,  great camera's and night vision. It will be able to fly for a week without charging, will go flying round the Ranch twice a day. It will also have sensors around the ranch in weak spots and if they get tripped,  the drone takes off, sends me a message of where and video footage to my phone and on top of that it will contact the RCMP at our command."
"Wow, your definitely with it when it comes to technology Amy."
"Why thank you Love. There's still a big question to answer though Ty."
"What's that Amy."
" When do we get Married Ty."
"Err are we in a rush Love."
"Yes we are Ty, your going to be a dad, and Ty my love I really don't won't my Grampa stood behind you with his shotgun, sooner the better while I still have a figure for the dress to hug me my love."
"Okay, this is fantastic , how about two weeks Amy."
"Sounds just right."
"I can't believe I'm going to be a dad Amy."
"I know, it's just so surreal, but I can't wait to be a mum Ty."
"You are going to make a wonderful Mother Amy, I love you more each day."


To be continued

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