Chapter 12

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3 Weeks Later

Tim was due in court, Jack and Lisa were sat not far behind where Tim would be sat. Across the room at the prosecution Table was Kate and Robin, and Lisa remarked how alike they were for Amy and Ty.
Then the door opened and couples started walking in who also looked alike for Amy and Ty, all 15 couples sat down on the prosecution side. This was Kates Idea that she had.

Eventually Tim was brought in and he saw the two he mistook for Amy and Ty, then looked behind them and saw all the couples who also looked like Amy and Ty. Tim looked but couldn't tell the difference who was the real Amy or if his Amy was actually there.
Suddenly they all stood up, turned and pointed their finger to Tim and shouted, "BULLY, CONTROLLING, VIOLENT." Then they turned and walked out. The Newspaper's were there as well as a TV Network who had been informed the day before.
After all the evidence and Video footage, Tim was found Quilty and given 7 years because he was still on licence after being released from the last time.
"Well Jack, that's good news for Amy and Ty".
"Well Tim never learns, Amy will be 25 when he gets out, can't see em letting him out early this time".
"I didn't see Amy or Ty, did you".
"To be honest Lisa, I couldn't tell the bloody difference, but if they had been I would hoped they'd of said hello."
They walked out of the Courtroom and down the stairs when Jack suddenly stopped, Lisa stopped and looked at Jack then looked to where Jack was looking.
Stood to one side was a young 18yr old Blonde woman in a 1950s style red dress, it came down to just above her knees and High heeled red shoes which were just 2ins high, she looked beautiful and so grown up.
Jack walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her, then introduced Amy to Lisa.
"Where's Ty, is he here".
"Yes, he's Just feeding the parking meter, shall we have coffee".
Amy pointed to the coffee shop and they walked to an empty clean table.
It wasn't long before Ty walked in and he and Jack had a man hug and shook hands. He and Amy had agreed beforehand how they would greet Jack, Amy would be the more defensive one whereas Ty would welcome him with enthusiasm.
Jack noticed the difference in the greetings and could understand why Amy would be more withdrawn to him. He did notice however how well Amy and Lisa got on together and he hoped that their friendship would help him rebuild the bridges he burnt down.
Lisa complimented Amy on her dress and how she looked, Amy explained that being on a Ranch wasn't really dress wear appropriate and it was more Jeans, shirts and boots, but when she went out she always loved to dress up whether it was wearing a dress like the one she had on or a shorter skirt to mid thigh as Ty loved to see her long legs even though she wasn't very tall.
Jack and Ty spoke for some time as did Amy and Lisa, eventually they said there goodbyes as they had to get back to Chestnut Hill.

Ty was working long hours at the garage as a Car and Motorcycle Mechanic and Amy was studying hard with her homework and coursework.
Tonight though, as Ty was working late Amy decided to do some training in the jumping ring.
She walked in to the Barn and found some new girl she hadn't seen before saddling up Spartan.
"Excuse me, what do you think your doing".
"Going for a ride, what business is it of yours".
Two other girls of the riding team walked in just as Amy ask her what she was doing.
"Well it is my business when your tacking up my horse".
"The horses are for anyone to use, how long have you been here".
"Three years and Spartan is my own personal horse from home, he does not belong to the school or College ".
"Good try, but I know that were not allowed to bring our own horses here".
"Unfortunately mine was a special case, now please get that saddle off my horse".
"I'll ride whatever horse I please.
Amy waited for her to finish and mount up. As she went to ride away Amy whistled at Spartan who turned and walked over to Amy, she then started to do Liberty work and it didn't matter what this girl did, she couldn't stop Spartan from doing anything that Amy asked him.
Amy stopped and asked her nicely to get off her horse, instead she kicked Spartan to race ahead and ran Amy over with her own horse.As she got to the gate Spartan swung around throwing the girl off and ran back to his owner. He stood over Amy licking her face trying to wake her up, unfortunately Amy didn't have her helmet on and hit her head hard on one of the Upright Beams.
It didn't take long to get the HeadMistress to the Stables, and as she walked in seeing Amy unconscious the new girl walked in clutching her arm which was bent funny.
"HeadMistress, that Horse is dangerous and needs putting down".
"That horse belongs to Miss Flaming and is a very expensive Champion, you were told that Spartan was a private horse and Not to be ridden by anyone, it even says so on the Stall Door, any damage to that horse will be paid for by your mother Miss Stanley, The Ambulance will be here any moment, her breathing is fine".
"What about her fiancè miss".
"I'll phone him now, stay with her and do not move her".

"Oh my, she's engaged is she, what's he like, a weak nerd with glasses on".
"No, he's actually quite Hot".
The Ambulance arrived and the paramedics started to check Amy over. While they were doing that the new girl walked up to them as they were checking Amy.
"Excuse me but I'm certain my Arm is broken, could you have a look at it."
"Not now Miss, you can come with us when we take this young lady to A and E, she's badly hurt".
"I'm badly hurt and I'm awake so it hurts like hell".
"Well your not seriously hurt, this young lady has hit her head badly and we need to get to the hospital as quickly as possible".
They put Amy in a neck collar and then a spinal board, all the while this girl didn't stop moaning.
"SHUT UP , you've hurt your arm, Amy could have serious injuries you stupid girl, your mothers coming in tomorrow to talk about what you've done on your first day".
"No, please, oh god, why did you phone her. She'll go on about this for weeks".
Eventually the Ambulance drove off on flashing lights.
"They left me behind".
"No, I'm taking you to hospital, they need to concentrate on Amy".
"I thought her name was Amelia".
"It is ,it's her nick name".


To be continued

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