Chapter 6

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Amy finally woke up three days later and saw Ty sat by her bed holding her hand. Amy couldn't move properly due to the pain in her chest, but she slowly moved his hand towards her and kissed it saying 'Thank You'.
Ty smiled at her and kissed her hand too.
"Do you want me to tell the family your awake Amy."
" No Ty, they won't visit".
"I'm sure they will be pleased ".
"I don't think so Ty".
"I wish one of us would have heard your call and collected you from school ".
"One of you did, one phoned me back but said No, I'd have to get home myself ".
"What the hell, who Amy, who refused to collect you or at least they could of  asked someone to get you. I could of lost you Amy".
"Maybe I deserve it Ty, I got my Mother killed, if I'd died it would of solved my problems."
"Do not talk like that Amy, it was just an accident,  do you hear me, I was there and saw it,  please Amy, I can't lose you".
Ty stood up and holding the back of  her head he gave her a kiss that she'd only ever read about in books.
It was 8pm and time for him to leave, so he kissed her again, as he walked to the door he turned to see her and Amy whispered 4 words to him,
Ty looked at her and nodded.

The following morning Ty was up early and having  Breakfast when Jack walked in.
"Morning Jack".
"Morning Ty".
"You going to see Amy today Jack."
Ty was nodding his head up and down and winking.
"Yes, I  thought I might, what about you Lou".
"To busy today".
"Well make sure you go Jack because Amy would like to talk to you".
"If I get time Ty".
"Fine, I'll go see her myself".
"I need you to do some jobs for me Ty".
"Sorry Lou, I've got a full day and I work for Jack anyway".

"Grampa, I  have clients wanting Trail Rides and until Amy gets out the hospital I'm stuck".
"Lou, When Amy gets out of Hospital she's going to be on bed rest for another few weeks, she was shot Lou".
"Umpfh, well she should be okay doing trail rides if someone tacks up Spartan for her, it's just sitting on the horse, yes she'll be fine, see you later Grampa".
Jack walks to the Barn and see's Ty working.
"Yeah jack".
"What was with the head nodding and winking earlier".
"Well I was trying to get a reaction out of Lou".
"About what Ty".
"Look Jack  last night Amy and I were talking,  I said I wish she could of spoken to one person at least to pick her up, and she said she did, but she was told to walk home".
"Oh, yeahhh well Lou mentioned it and feels quilty, so let's just drop it okay. When you've done Spartans stall check the fence lines".

Ty couldn't believe what Lou did or the fact that she told Jack. Ty decided to go see Amy, but Tim turned up.
"Err, Mr Fleming,  did you know as well, or is it just going to be swept under the Carpet as they say".
"What are you on about Ty".
"The fact that Amy did speak to someone on the phone from the office phone at school asking to be picked up, and she was told to walk home".
"No I didn't know, who'd she speak to".
"Her Sister,  Mr Fleming ".
"Your telling me Amy spoke to Lou from the school phone and was told to walk home".
"Yes Sir, speak to Amy yourself. Jack's  swept it under a rock."
The following day Amy had a visit from Child Welfare, who spoke at length with her.
Amy said she'd like to give it another try at home and hoped that Welfare getting intouch would change things  for the better. They knew Amy loved living on the Ranch so were willing to give it a go, but they would speak to the family first to lay down some laws for Amy's well being.

The following day Lou was in the kitchen doing paperwork. When Ty left Tim at Heartland yesterday on his way to see Amy there was no one home, so Tim got the books and found the worked out figures Lou had done of how much she owed Amy, he transferred it straight to Amy's bank account,  it was a lot of money but Amy had earned it, all $30,000 of it.
Ty hadn't said anything about Tim and others knowing Lou spoke to Amy. Ty was off working and keeping out of the way of any backlash. Tim strode in and Lou stupidly stood up to say hi to her dad.
Tim grabbed her pushing her against the wall, then holding her against it.
"Dad what r u doing ". Lou said with a squeak in her voice.
"How about you telling your 16 Yr old sister to walk home. You knew there were Rustlers about and look what happened".
"I'm sorry Dad, I can't help the way I feel about her."
"So your saying you want her dead".
"Oh god no, of course not, I'm sorry Dad."
"You look after her while I'm away got it, and if anything bad happens,  you'll join her Lou, I'm fed up with it ".
Ty knew nothing would happen so decided he'd keep an eye on Amy and report anything wrong to Welfare.

A week later and Amy was allowed to leave Hospital, Ty picked Amy up and collected her medication , Then brought her straight home . He gathered Amy's things and took her to  her bedroom where she stayed for the rest of the week.
Stayed is not necessarily the truth, no one thought to make sure she was okay for drinks, or food.
Lou would make dinner and dish it up, and put it on the table. Neither Jack or Lou told Amy that her dinner was ready even though doctors orders were for her not to get out of bed. So Amy would have to go in the kitchen  to get food.
One day she was in the kitchen getting herself food when Ty walked in. "What the hell Amy, your supposed to be in bed or you could start bleeding again".
"Sorry Ty, but I'm hungry, they don't feed me in this place".
"What, they don't bring you any food".
"No, I wait and eventually come out to get some food and there's three plates on the drainer and food in the garbage, so I have a good idea who's food it was".
"You get back into bed and I'll do you some food. I'll be here for dinner tonight so we'll see what happens".
Ty brought Amy a mug of her favourite tea and a chicken and salad sandwich. He asked if he could check her wound which she let him even though she had to hold her top in place to cover her breasts. Ty was careful and mindfull of the vulnerable position it put her in, but he was more concerned about her getting thinner than she should be.
Amy was very impressed with how much of a gentleman Ty was.
"Everything is fine Amy, there was a small amount of blood but its okay now, this is why you have to be careful,  and Lou n Jack know this".
Ty gave Amy a kiss and said he'd see her tonight.


To be continued

A Young Amy Fleming Where stories live. Discover now