Chapter 8

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Ty spent 5 days by the side of Amy's bed, he didn't want to stay at Heartland after what happened the next day, he had to call the RCMP after Tim turned up and beat the crap out of Lou, even Jack. Lou was in hospital for a couple of days, but now she's away in a medical center getting the help she needs, just over a year to late.
Jack's Just got a few bruises here and there. Tim's locked up, and Amy died once but they got her back..
Now though Jack has to deal with Child Welfare who apparently have plan's for Amy after listening to Ty's testimony. He explained to them that she would never have a normal life with Jack, Loopy Lou, and crazy controlling Tim.
They could see what sort of controlling family they were, they spoke to Caleb who'd stopped working for them, and a few other people who knew the family.
After going through everything that's Happened and the way Amy was treated and used they'd made a decision, they took into account her love of horses and her skills and gift.

Jack was at home taking it easy, he'd got a friend to watch over the cattle when there was a knock at the door, as he got there he saw it was Child Welfare, the same two people as before.
"Good Morning Mr Bartlett ".
"Umpfh, come in and take a seat".
"Thank you, so how are you recovering after what happened ".
"I'm fine, I'd rather just forget about what happened and get on with things".
"Well Mr Bartlett, it's not something you can just forget about now is it. Your Granddaughter Amy has once again cheated death and actually survived. Obviously this wouldn't of happened if her sister had any emotions for her young sister's well being.
We know you lost your Daughter and came close to losing your youngest Granddaughter Amy, Lou is now going to get help, the doctors suspect she's suffering delayed PTSD, they also suspect Amy is also suffering Guilt and feels responsible for her mothers death".
"Yeah, she keeps saying she feels that she'd still have her mum if she hadn't took her to rescue the horse, the thing is that it was my Idea not hers".
"Well Amy will get help but until she's an adult she'll be at a Residential School called Chestnut Hill and if she wishes, she can stay and move on to the College section, that is just behind the School. Amy will stay in her lodgings when at school or College."
"No, I want her here at Home where I can keep an eye on her".
"Oh, right. You really mean where you can control her, you, her sister and no doubt her father. We do this voluntarily or we go to Court, so which is it".
"I said No".
"Then we will see You , Lou and Tim in court".

As they were driving away she phoned her head office and put security on Amy in case Jack or Tim tried to get her out, Amy had already said she didn't want to go home last time but wanted to give it a try, and Welfare Officer's let her go.
Ty was visiting Amy again and he'd kissed her last night before he left.
He was still in the Loft and did his chores as early and quickly as possible. Tim had been let go as no one filed any charges, as usual. Jack said he still held a grudge against Tim Fleming, but Ty noticed they worked together when they needed to, and Tim had Just turned up.
Ty had finished his Jobs so walked round the back, got in his truck and drove out of Heartland to see Amy.

Tim was sat in the kitchen, he had a big balance in his bank account, he'd handed the Rustling to someone else and got out before his luck ran out, he was only after a big fat pay out anyway,
"Sorry about the bruises Jack, I was just sooo angry with Lou for what she did".
"I gathered that".
"So what's happening with Amy, when can she come home".
"Really, she died Tim but thankfully the paramedics are really good and with the drugs the've got nowadays they saved her, Amy won't be back here for a long time Tim".
"Err what do you mean, a few weeks or longer".
"Ohhh a lot Longer".
"How seriously hurt is she Jack".
"Well it seems that after Lou's actions resulting in Amy getting hurt, not feeding her even though she cooked  and for not caring for her safety, Child Welfare will not allow Amy to return to Heartland".
"You have to be joking Jack, she's my Daughter and you're Granddaughter".
"Yes I know that Tim, I told them No".
"Well that's okay then".
"No it's not Tim, are you normally this Thick or just on special occasions ".
"Hey, thats offensive, ".
"I'm surprised you actually know what that means Tim. They said to see us in Court on Monday".
"Well, where they gonna send her".
"Apparently to some Residential School and College called Chestnut Hill".
"Well we tell them something Jack"
"Tell em what Tim...".
"Okay, we get her out of hospital and bring her home".
"There'll just come here for her".
"Then I'll take her away until she's 18, they can't do anything about it by then".
"Tim listen, it's just two years, she'll get her education, then she can come home. There's no point you doing something where you'll get into trouble".
"Well you sit back and let them take her, but I'm not".
"For god sake Tim you and Lou are going to end up getting her killed the way you two are going, leave her be, please for her sake".
"No, she's my Daughter and she's mine, I'm going to get her right now".

Amy was so much better, her and Ty were getting so much closer. Amy told Ty that Chestnut Hill was a new start not just for her but for both of them.
They heard a commotion outside the door and shouting. The RCMP officer was shouting and then Amy heard her father's voice.
The door flew open and the officer had his gun in his hand and Tim's hand was around his.
Ty knew the way their luck was going someone would get hurt and was about to act quickly just as the Gun went off, the bullet hit the Oxygen connection valve and the whole room exploded with half of it falling to the street below.


To be continued

A Young Amy Fleming Where stories live. Discover now