Chapter 1

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Amy and Ty were actually getting close, and even closer after the Fall Finale and Amy won on Spartan. The Kiss in the Barn almost knocked Amy's Socks off and she wanted more.
Then Jack walked in and spoilt it. We'll what's a 15 year old girl going to do when she gets kissed by someone she really likes.
Amy waited for Ty to come and join her as he said he would. At the end of the party Amy went looking for Ty but he was gone, his cowboy hat was at the end of the Bed and she could just see a bit of paper underneath it.,
She picked it up and read it, but Ty still hadn't said why he was actually leaving, Typical, Amy thought to herself. He kisses her, then leaves, Amy lay on the bed and cried herself to sleep.
"Morning Grampa".
"Morning Lou".
"Where's Amy, she's not in her room".
"Probably cried herself to sleep up in the Loft".
"You let her stay up there with Ty, wait!!, why would she cry herself to sleep and you wouldn't let her stay up there if Ty was there, would you! ."
"So, where's Ty".
"Oh, I told him I didn't take kindly to Boys who kiss and run.".
" Omg, Amy. ".
Lou ran to the loft and found Amy already mucking out the stalls in her best clothes from the celebration last night.
"Amy, what are you doing. Go and get changed, I'm sorry Ty's left".
Lou looked, as Amy stopped what she was doing and dropped the shavings fork on the floor, then looked up. Amy was still crying and rivers of tears were running down her face.
Lou walked over and wrapped Amy in her arms, "So ya really liked him then huh".
Amy nodded her head up and down as she cuddled her big sister.

Four months later it was Amy's 16th Birthday and they had a party for her, The new Ranch Hand had his eye on Amy but she was still holding out for Ty to return hopefully.
Tim Fleming was there, and when she won the Fall Finale. Amy didn't really know him and their bonding was slow going.
Amy was vulnerable and easily led, her dad left her when she was young , so doesn't remember him, and her Grampa was too strict and not allowing her to actually grow up.
She loved Horse's and would do anything for them, even putting herself in the way of danger.

While the party was in full mode she saw her Grampa driving towards the house, unaware he'd even left.
He pulled up outside the fence and got out, then she saw a familiar face getting out of the truck.
Ty stood and looked at her as she had been dancing on the porch with Caleb, only because he'd been pestering her for a dance, but Amy didn't want to dance in front of other people, she didn't have much Confidence in herself.
She looked at Ty then walked over to him.
"Thanks for the Letter Ty, you could of at least told me why you were leaving and what for, you kissed me Ty, then you disappeared. Thank you for breaking my heart Ty, I really thought you liked me".
Amy then slapped him across his already bruised face and walked back into the house.
Ty looked at Jack and Jack just shrugged his shoulders.
"There's extra blankets already in the Loft and I've installed a wood Burner, so you should be much warmer, I'll see you tomorrow Ty."
He rubbed his face and went up to the Loft wondering if he did the right thing by coming back.

Amy was working with a horse and Caleb was supposed to be helping her but instead was messing about, Amy completely lost it and couldn't stop laughing which in turn woke Ty up.
He got up and opened the Outer Loft door, then stood watching her laughing and smiling.
Over the next few days Amy got roped into doing some Dude Ranch trail rides which she wasn't happy about and wished she'd been able to have a say as to whether she would help or not. Then again Amy knew she didn't get a say in anything, do this, do that, you can help Can't you Amy, oh Amy will help you Lou.
Amy got up early and had breakfast then got all her homework out on the table and started doing it, even though she still had clients Horse's to work with.
Jack walked in and saw her doing her homework. "Thought you'd of gotten that done by now Amy".
"How do you work that out Grampa, everyday this week I wanted to start on it, but Lou walks in and gives me Jobs to do for Her Dude Ranch, I can't even work with my client's Horse's because of her Dude Ranch.
I haven't earned a penny this week because Lou's Dude Ranch is more important and I don't even get paid for it".
"Well we all agreed to help her with it".
"Err, no I didn't, you all ganged up on me telling me I had to help. So who's going to pay me for all this work if I can't work on my own business ".

There's a noise as Lou walks through to the Kitchen.
"Morning everyone, oh Amy I have two separate Trail rides for you Today so don't wonder off the Ranch".
"Sorry Lou, already have plans for today so can't help you".
"Err yes you can, you agreed to help."
"No I didn't Lou, you all assumed I would. I have homework to do, and I have to get it finished in two days when school starts again, Oh yes, I also have two client Horse's Lou, I haven't been able to work with them and there supposed to pick them up in three day's, I'm going to have to push them back which isn't good for my business. I haven't earned any money this week so you can pay me".
"Amy, I need those trail rides doing and no one gets paid, it's family".
"What you mean is you get all the money, I need new clothes, but I can't afford it".
"We all have to make sacrifices Amy".

To be continued.

A Young Amy Fleming Where stories live. Discover now