Prologue: I love gacha! I hate gacha!

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Random Guy P.O.V:

I slowly open my eyes to an unfamiliar ceiling


Who am I kidding? That's just my same old sort of moldy ceiling of my run down apartment. So slowly rolling off of my bed, or more commonly known as a foam mat on the floor because my broke self can't afford a real one, I start my morning routine. What is that routine? It's called shoving the cheapest cup noodles I could find that are most likely expired down my throat. Yum! Now then... time to start my real work! Picking up my phone as the cup noodles begin to get knocked over- wait! ah! caught it! That was close... anyways, now it's time to do what I do best!


Damnit all! This game and its stupid nonexistent rates! B-but... maybe just one more 10 roll couldn't hurt... surely it couldn't. I slowly pick my phone off the floor that I previously threw it on, I really should be more careful, these things are pricey nowadays. Besides that, I don't have any of the in game currency left, so sorry credit card, just a tiny bit more! You can do it! If I get lucky I can pretend I'm not suffering from the consequences of my own actions! Because I get to see a PNG of my favorite character if I do! 

Once again clicking that damned button asking whether or not I really want to go through with my purchase, the cause of so much tears of both joy and pain, I buy just enough for another 10 roll. Then following up with another click to the featured character of this banner, which importantly I have still failed to get, the screen changes and I'm blasted with what I get. First off, trash! Second one... also trash! Third one is literal garbage! The fourth blesses me with a crappy three star, well at least it's experience! Fifth, cmon, cmon, and oh! It's a half decent four star! I'll take it! 

However... six, seven, eight, and nine were all misses, all just fodder materials... number ten, I believe in you! I believe in your power! Oh! It's taking slightly longer! Is this it?! Is this the character I've been waiting for! The animation for this roll is ever so different from what I can tell, a skill I've honed in order to either disappoint or hype myself even before the game does so. And... it's gold! Its gold! Wooh! Yeah baby! That's what I've been waiting for! But most importantly is if it is the character I really want. The moment of truth as it gets revealed...

It is! It is! I didn't even have to hit pity! I'm probably the luckiest person alive right now! Not really, but I still feel like it! Good thing this character is both one of my favorites and a top tier in the meta, my life of endless grinding for things just became faster endless grinding for things! Oh the joy! I can finally be more of a masochist by doing even harder challenges! Ok stop for a second, this is getting too real. Just got to be happy over this victory and stay in happy land. Honestly, if the world just ran on gacha I'd probably be a god... just joking! That would probably suck-

Wish granted. Assessing compatibility.


Compatibility confirmed. 97.6% Compatibility sufficient.

Requesting access from world.



Requesting access from universe.


Requesting access for system template.


Granted by Systemus.

Requesting access for a gacha pool.


Granted by Gachaurias

Requesting permission for interdimensional travel.

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