Chapter 24: Stars! Dragons!

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Mash P.O.V

We've been winning. Everything has been going well. Senpai is happier than ever. Yes, everything is going well, better than it ever did back in Chaldea. I think this as I walk through the halls of the strange new realm we got teleported to in name of a tournament called Ragnarok. A tournament we've just won the fifth round of. Just a few more and we get to go home... so why...

Gudako: Kama... not here...

Kama: Hmm~ don't I deserve a little reward~?

Why do those two keep doing it?! I hurriedly run past the slightly hidden alley that those two are... doing... uhh... l-lewd things in. Really... in such... s-such scandalous places too! Senpai is getting corrupted by spending too much time with Kama! Too much! Too much I say! Hiding the blush that is creeping up my face and a pang of something in my heart, I-


Mash: A-Ah!

I feel myself fall backwards, it seems I was too caught up in my own thoughts-

???: Whoa there! It wouldn't do for a warrior to be so unaware of their own surroundings!

Looking up, I notice I haven't actually fallen over, and what greets my eyes as I open them are piercing white eyes through a golden helmet. Ah! It's Sir Leonidas!

Mash: Ah... thanks...

Leonidas: No worries, it wasn't any trouble. Though make sure to pay attention next time, alright?

Mash: I-I understand...

... Uh? Is he going to let me go- wah?! He's gone and picked me up like a sack?!

Leonidas: This won't do, my fellow shield wielder!

Mash: What won't do, Sir Leonidas?!

Leonidas: This! Being so downtrodden won't do at all! I have a hint as to what is causing it... so do forgive me for my rough handling.

Mash: Thanks but... why are you saying that as you're sprinting down the halls?!

Leonidas: Simple! I'm bringing you to train with us Spartans!

Mash: Uh... how is training supposed to help me?

Leonidas: That too, is simple...

He raises a finger to the air as if he were a teacher about to explain the meaning of a lesson to his student.

Leonidas: Training your body, your spirit, and most importantly, your muscles! All of these things contribute to your appeal!

Mash: Appeal?! W-wait I think you aren't getting the proble-

Leonidas: Master isn't looking your way, no? Trust me on this!

Mash: But I still don't get how this helps?! And since when was Sir Leonidas so keen on things like this?!

Clicking his tongue as if he was disappointed in me for not getting it, he turned his head to face me and spoke loudly.

Leonidas: Whether it be a man... a woman... muscles and strength... will always be attractive! You must show her your reliability and strength! That you are dependable as her shield! Both in battle and out of it, show your worth with training!

Then he picked up the pace and burst through some doors along the hallway we were previously travelling through.

Mash: Uhh... where are we?

As my eyes adjusted to the brighter light of the room we were now in, I saw it. Rows upon rows of Spartans training, sparring, and lifting impossibly large weights.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2023 ⏰

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