Chapter 11: Goblins! Slaughter!

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Gudako P.O.V

I rush to the cave that I vaguely remember the location of, I may have been too hasty, but this isn't the time to be cautious. If I can just prevent that from happening, prevent the deaths of those innocent people, it means I've done something good here, that I've made a difference. So long as someone like Priestess doesn't have to witness the cruelty of goblins like I did, I'll be happy.

So I keep going, running through trees and rocks without a care, I have to be faster. My surroundings get more familiar, I made sure to check out the area of the cave where it was all supposed to happen in, this is good. I'm making progress, and sure enough, I soon stumble upon the entrance of the cave. I feel my heartbeat increase and my breath quicken... I just hope I got here in time.

Without heeding the advice or techniques I managed to get from Goblin Slayer, I rush into the cave. It's much harder to navigate than I thought, seeing as there were so many twisting pathways. Not to mention how damn dark and narrow it is in here! Damnit! This cave the goblins use is slowing me down, how much more horrible do goblins need to be?!

I managed to calm down from my initial reaction at the inn though, I need to be more careful about this. So I continue running through the cave, until I smell it. Blood, perhaps it's from being enhanced by the powers of Lancelot, but I can smell it even through the helmet, strongly. I feel my vision narrow, no... surely it hadn't been that long? No way did it already happen! In a rush I break through a thin cave wall and stumble from the rubble.

Recovering, my vision is blocked by dust until it finally settles. I look around to see the corpses of a few goblins, one charred with a hole through it's chest, a few more dead from slashes or kicks I assume. But it's fine! I see the swordsman just resting over there, the wizard being taken care of by priestess, and well... I don't know where the fighter is, but she must be close by! I'm here just on time! The rest of the goblins aren't here yet and they dealt with the initial ones all by themselves!


A noise breaks the silence, the laughter of goblins. This breaks me out of my delusion, to which I finally notice it... the crying... the groans of pain... the goblins... ahh... I look around in a stupor, it's too similar to that time. So I finally see it, my false dream that everyone was fine breaking and shattering into a million pieces. I just made myself see that everyone was fine, I didn't want to look at the reality of the situation.

The swordsman wasn't resting, he is a mangled corpse, the poor wizard was dying out on the floor from a poisoned dagger beside Priestess, the fighter surrounded by goblins, and Priestess herself cowering in fear. I just refused to acknowledge it when I arrived, my trauma and denial of the truth that I was too late preventing it. I really wanted to believe that I would get the ideal outcome I wanted, that everything would go my way somehow just like it did until now.

But now... I see it. The horror of goblins. How...

I was too late.

I was too careless.

I was too scared.

I am just... too weak.




I can't... I can't... I can't...


I can't do it! I can't! I'm too scared! I'm too weak! I can't face goblins!

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