Chapter 4: Some old dude of a tall hill?

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Gudako P.O.V

I've been waiting 8 hours for Cu just sitting on a stool behind the front desk, while occasionally talking to Guild Girl about some random stuff. Also it doesn't help that my patience is running really thin. Because now there is some weird rumor going around that I'm the missing princess of some random kingdom that collapsed recently thanks to just my clothes. Not to mention everywhere still hurts! 


I'm giving him 2 more minutes until I turn him into gacha currency...

Cu: Oi Master! I'm back-

Gudako: Gandr!

I shoot off my new spell and with a finger gun, gathering magic energy that condenses into a small black sphere with a red outline that shoots out at relatively fast speeds. Unfortunately my basic magecraft is swatted away like a toy with a careless flick of Cu's wrist. Damn, I can't even break through C ranked Magic Resistance on a servant. I guess they really just are that strong.

Cu: Hey! What was that for?!

Gudako: That was for making me wait 6 hours with broken legs and countless bruises, in a dusty. old. STORAGE ROOM!!! *Sigh* Please tell me it at least went well?

Cu: Well we did clear out that camp completely, it even had a goblin mage, so it's some extra pay! Now how's that Maste-

I throw my small pocket knife at him, even if I know it doesn't work because of his protection from arrows, I'll still try damnit! Once again he nonchalantly tilts his head to the side as the knife flies by, striking the quest board instead.

Cu: And what was that one for?

Gudako: For making me sit on this hard and small stool for another 2 hours.

Guild Girl: It was uncomfortable?! You should have told me, I'd be fine l-letting you sit on my lap if it was less painful.

She was a bit red when saying that but still... I missed such a great opportunity! Aghh!

Gudako: Damn you Cu!

Cu: Now what was that one for?!

Gudako: Nothing. *Ahem* Hey miss?

Guild Girl: Yes?

Gudako: How much is the reward, and the bonus for the goblin mage? I'm not that well versed with currency of this value, so would it be enough for a healer and an inn for at least a few days?

Guild Girl: Hmm... it would be enough for around a week and a half at an inn, but factoring someone who can perform healing spells, that would be around 4 days plus the healer. But what did she mean not well versed with currency of this value? Don't tell me?! She doesn't know how to even consider such a paltry sum of money compared to her former royal coffers?!

Not that bad I guess, 4 days is more that enough time to send out my dog to do some dirty work. I also won't be as grumpy because I won't be in pain and actually have a real bed to sleep on. So I guess everything is going quite well for being in such a grimdark world! Also why do I feel like she somehow got another misunderstanding from that statement...

Gudako: Ok then, can you hand the reward then to Lancer over there?

Guild Girl: Alright then, as soon as I've confirmed the details necessary for the quest.

Oh yeah, I registered our names as Master and Lancer on the guild papers, considering that everyone has names related to their jobs or something along those lines. So I wanted to fit that whole bill, because having normal names in this world would stand out a bit, and I don't wanna be asked what sort of profession a "Gudako" is. However, so far it seems Guild Girl is just sorting out some papers and a few confirmation of kills. With a quick shuffle of the papers and a slam on the desk to straighten the stack out, she stamps a few before smiling back at me, then turning her head to Cu.

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