Chapter 19: Earth! Sea!

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Third Person P.O.V

Heimdall: T-the... the second battle of Ragnarok has ended! Another soul crushing defeat for the gods! With Enkidu as the victor!!!! The Chains of Heaven have bound the gods to their path of loss after loss and come out on top!!!!

Pure silence. Pure silence filled the arena at this very statement. Both the Gods and Humanity were completely silent, although for two very different reasons. For Humanity, they had not only disproven the invulnerability of the Divine, but also the fact that they had won twice in a row. As for the Gods... well... the loss of both Thor and Zeus was a heavy blow to take, even moreso than the fact they had not even come close to a victory yet.

It was not Humanity that faced the despair of loss... of defeat... 


It was the Gods who had been struck down from the very Heavens on which they used to laugh and belittle Mankind from that were now faced with this harsh reality.

The reality that they could taste the sting of defeat.

The reality that just like any mortal being...

Even the strongest of the Gods...

They could be killed.



A table had been smashed to nothing but splinters and dust. The culprit? None other than the God of War, Ares.

Ares: What do you mean we let you take the next match?! After what they've done?! Those humans killed Zeus! My father!

Loki: Those scum dared to trample upon the pride of us Gods- no, the Norse Pantheon! Do you think we'd let that slide either?! It was only exciting when it was us as the cat toying with the mouse, not the other way around!

The tensions were high between the Gods, two of the mightiest Pantheons at odd with each other, for both Thor and Zeus, who were very high ranked Gods had been slain. It wasn't a matter of hating each other, it was simply a matter of craving sweet revenge so much they had come into conflict with the other. Both sides wanted the same thing, but both also wanted it sooner than the other.

Hermes: Please, dear brother. Along with you, Lord Loki. Both of you, please calm down-


A sudden breeze filled the room. But not a warm summer breeze or one carrying the falling leaves of autumn, no, these winds were filled with the unsettling chills and death. It was Odin, the chief God of the Norse Pantheon. He entered, each step imposing as the room became silent, as if even sound was killed by his very presence.

Black/White Crow: Behold, Odin! Bow before his mighty presence-

Odin: Silence.

Black/White Crow: ...

Odin: We shall take the next round. Do not oppose. We'll crush those bugs who dared to defy us Gods. 

To this the room continued in it's silent state. No one daring to speak. Loki simply gave Ares a sly smirk and Ares popped a vein in response, but otherwise stayed silent. Hermes as always remained the level headed one in this situation and put a hand to the should of Ares, silently telling him to swallow his pride and hatred for now. 

Odin: Good. Does anyone dare to oppose?

Loki: Yeah? Any one of you Greek Gods have the balls to go against us?

Ares: Tch...

Hermes: As much as it pains me to be unable to take revenge for Lord Zeus, I have no objections.

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