Chapter 10: Gacha! Gods!

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Gudako POV


???: Master, please get that women who seems to be infatuated with you to stop asking me about matters of love as if I can magically solve her love life. I don't much like this job... why did you have to tell her?


???2: ▂▂▃▃▅▅ーーー!!


???3: Please stop destroying the environment. I will have to continue restraining you otherwise. Also please stop tugging on them so hard, it is technically my own body.


???4: Senpai! I think Lancer is dead! He's not waking up!


???5: Oh no... mommy... I think the dog is really dead now...


???6: Stand your ground! Do not let the city fall into destruction! Molon Labe!


How did I get here? 


Ah... I  remember now. It all started with that horrible mistake...


60 rolls it is! Hit it system! I can't wait to see what this much is gonna get me!


Gacha initiated...


Congratulations! You've won a servant!

Congratulations! You've won a servant!

Congratulations! You've won a servant!

Congratulations! You've won a servant!


Ah! Stop! Too many! The room is running out of space!


That has brought me to where I am now. Maybe 60 rolls at once... wasn't my best idea I've ever had in my life. I mean I didn't know I would get this lucky! Well it could also be counted as unlucky, not too sure there. I didn't realize this wasn't just a gacha game, it isn't nearly as easy as just shoving characters in an inventory and using them when needed, it's well... whatever this is.

Mordred: Oi! What the fuck is the child doing trying to stab me for?! Hey! Hey! Stop that!

???: Ehehehe! But you're fun to play with!

I turn to see Mordred trying to shake our new assassin off her leg. Well it looks pretty wholesome until you realize she isn't just hugging her leg, she's trying to cut it off. That's our resident serial killer from London, Jack... Jack the Ripper.

Gudako: Jack, cut it out. No dismembering, killing, or making someone have no more blood in their bodies, alright?

Jack: Aww... okay...

I see the small murder child sulk in the corner, I feel bad, but I also feel like a mom having to scold her child now. Speaking of child... this so called love god is acting awfully like one, isn't she?

Kama: Master... why do I have to go and work for money? Can't I just rest here? Surely my presence is already livening up this place, I am sure I don't need to do anything more than laying about. I'll even let you bask in my presence and enjoy yourself to your heart's content with me~ So... how about it?

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