Chapter 23: Love! Flames!

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Third Person P.O.V

Kama: I hope you go easy on me~♡

Humanity's representative, Round 5: Kama (India)

While many thought she was mocking them or that this was some sort of joke, one person in the audience knew what this meant. Usually an orangette, currently blonde due to the body she has, saw her childlike form and easy going attitude and knew this could only mean one thing and one thing alone.

Gudako: She's totally pissed off... 

Gods: A kid! A kid?! Seriously! They think that lowly of us Gods?! Damn mortals! / We're going to die... they're definitely going to annihilate us... I have a bad feeling... / You're going to regret your choice, humans! Yeah! Definitely! Probably! I-I just want one win for the Gods! Is it too much to ask!?

Humanity: I believe in you, little girl! You'll probably be super overpowered if our previous fighters are to go by! I was a little shocked at first, but I'll put my faith in you! / A kid.... a kid.... I know it's been a landslide victory for us so far but this is a little... much? / Uogh! Cute and funny- / Shut up! I'm still mourning the loss of the eye candy that was the Heracles match! 

Gods clamored and Humanity was confused, for as much as their had been some rather... odd picks so far, this time it appeared a literal child was fighting for Humanity. Whether it be out of concern, confusion, anger, or suspicious intentions, the arena was most definitely alight with noise. However, this ruckus was soon silenced as Heimdall cleared his voice, for now it was time... to announce the fighter representing the Gods!

Heimdall: Now... next up...

Anticipation was palpable in the air as the doors to the side of the God's representative opened. A corridor covered in shadow welcomed the eyes of the audience, yet while there was nothing seen, there was most definitely something heard. Air rushed out as the sounds of stomping and strangely, the trumpeting sound of elephants. 

Göll: W-Where's that sound coming from?!

Brunhilde: Fuck... can they stop being so flashy? Don't you know you idiots are losing pathetically right now? Just die already-

Gudako: Go! Go! I believe in you! I love you! Do your best! Kyahh! You're just the best, Kama-

Mash: Senpai, please don't go too overboard with the cheering. It may distract her from fighting.

Gudako: Oh... yeah... didn't think about that. Sorry...

Mash: It's fine. At least the match hasn't started yet. Let's just watch and cheer her on internally.

Gudako: Alright. But I can't wait though! It's just too exciting! Is it just me or is Mash a little harsher today? I'm probably just imagining it...

Turning away from the commentary of certain members of the crowd, the attention of everyone was now intently on whatever was about to emerge from the gate.

Heimdall: He creates for fun and can even destroy the world on a whim!!!!

The source of the sounds soon emerged. Dozens of elephants rode out in a stampede, all the while continuing to trumpet their calls as if parading a honored person. To which they were in fact doing, for atop the largest and most ornately decorated one, rode a four armed and blue-skinned Indian deity. One everyone would soon know the name of, if they already did not.

Heimdall: Make and break! Break and fix! The whole world's this man's playground! "What on Earth do you want to do?" Try asking this God that!!

The Love Goddess representing Humanity had her own opinions on this praise.

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