Chapter 5: Rejoice, Boy! Miracles of God!

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Gudako P.O.V

I've finally been delivered to a room that's been rented out for 4 days since I had to preserve enough money for a healer. Hooray! The storage room is no more! But overall it is relatively basic, but since I am a modern guy- gal? Anyways I can't stand medieval living conditions knowing the conveniences of the modern world. So I got the fanciest room, even if it meant 4 days instead of a full week and that has gotten me a decently soft bed, a desk, and an actual bathroom which I am thankful for.

I am still way too embarrassed to sit in a public bath with a bunch of other women, my inner man turned a maybe down horrendous harem lesbian would be in danger! If not from me overheating to death it's the danger of Harem Protagonist EX acting up, or evolving into an entirely different lewd version. A real dangerous possibility indeed, though it does sound a bit tempti- *Ahem* I mean I would never be so lewd like a certain fake nun!

Back on track, Hassan should be back with some more money soon anyways, since he is more than capable enough for handling goblins, especially if it's dark small spaces. For once I can say that the goblins are the ones who are the ones trapped in there by being in such a space, and that isn't even counting Goblin Slayer. Hmm... goblin slaying huh? Maybe if I got enough servants I could wipe out both the goblins and get enough money to live a lavish lifestyle, that would be nice...




Ughh... I guess I'm disabled now... what to do... 

Gudako: I am the bone of my sword, salt is my body and tears are my blood...

Cu: Master, what sort of weird chant are you doing now?

Gudako: I'm bored and in pain, you said the priest would arrive by now.

Cu: P-priest? 



Rejoice, Boy! Rejoice! 

I command you Lancer, kill yourself...




Cu: Wait a second... I don't remember that last part being there originally... and oh yeah! The mage who knows healing magic I called back then, sorry just had a small mix up there.

I can clearly see what he is thinking about by his face alone. But most healers here do seem to be priests or priestesses, though I am sure there is the odd mage here and there that knows some form of healing spell, probably. I'm not a magic expert okay!

Gudako: Yes, the healer is the one I was talking about. But to clarify, unlike in your world their healing seems to be more like a miracle of a god than pure magic or magecraft , at least on the surface level it seems.

Cu: To think the people here just casually throw around blessings and miracles of gods like that, huh? Back there you had to work your ass off for them to even pay attention to you, or be lucky enough to be related in some way. Though I'm guessing they aren't be quite on the same level as each other if one is just handed out to everyone while the other is a grand reward from the gods, am I right?

Gudako: You're right about that, since from what I know I don't think any priest here can resurrect 12 times from just praying a bunch to their god. Though you do sound kind of like an old man about it with your back in my world talk. Actually, aren't you technically an old man? Being thousands of years old as a heroic spirit and all?

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