Chapter 21: Heroes! Strength!

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Gudako P.O.V

Heimdall: T-The winner of the third bout of Ragnarok is... Humanity! Zhongli! The Archon of Geo!!!!

Gods: This is bullshit! / How have we not won once?! / If you think about it... using Gods against us Gods is treacherous and cheating! How dare they! / How could this happen?! To someone like Lord Poseidon?!

Humanity: Cry about it! / We won! We'll live for sure! / You know what they say, fight fire with fire! Beat it! / YEAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Odin's Crows: W-We lost again? No way...

Loki: Aww man... this is a real shitty excuse for a joke.

I smile proudly as I look upon my super awesome thematically fitting victory. Seriously, not only was Zhongli strong, but the whole land vs sea thing was cool! Though I will have to probably use For One's Glory to keep my identity hidden and stay in Lancelot form if I don't want any salty Gods to recognize me and start trying to kill me me when I'm alone and just walking around.

Göll: This means we've beaten the Gods, right?!

Brunhilde: No... we have 4 more to go...

Gudako: 4 more I have in the bag, so don't you go worrying!

I walk over and pat her on the head, worrying that much and being so anxious all the time can't be good even for a Valkyrie's heart. Maybe it's all the time I spent with Jack, but she's cute, in a want to spoil them like they're your kid kind of way. Gasp! Am I getting maternal instincts now?! Did Kama get me pregnant?! 

Jokes aside, at least I hope they stay jokes, those glares from the Gods over there are seriously harsh. So I'm just going to quickly run out of the arena! Nope! Back to the safety of my servants I go! Leaving behind Göll and Brunhilde before she does either something weird or explicitly describes how she wants to shove fists up some hole of the enemy Gods.

I pull out some poor quality cloak from the system inventory, since I have a whole lot of random stuff from the gacha that I just filter out so I don't have to wait through them to finally get to the characters being summoned. After that, I activate the noble phantasm of Lancelot, For One's Glory, so my identity is obscured.

Random God: Whoever managed to get those fighters in... I'll rip their head off their shoulders when I find them!

Random God #2: B-But what if they are strong as those fighters?

Random God: I'll fight regardless! How dare they mock us by winning so flawlessly like this!

Damn, talk about stupidity. Well I'm lucky some of them have sense, but ones like those are the reason I need to watch out. So I continue walking along the halls, until I finally make it to the area we've been staying at. Okay... which door was it... I'll be able to tell once I hear a mix of roaring and childish laughter over horrific acts of murder...

Gil: Kuahahaha! So that fool really thought he could take the Chains of Heaven head-on with his fists only? What a complete fool!

Enkidu: Ishtar levels of foolishness?

Gil: Now that's going a bit too far, wouldn't you say?

Enkidu: Agreed.

Passing by a door I overhear that conversation. I guess it's a good thing Isthar isn't summoned or else she'd throw a big fit if she ever heard them slandering her.

Cu: That was something! Wish I coulda fought that guy, he seemed fun.


Cu: What's this ominous feeling I can't shake off? I feel like a hauntingly familiar presence has just come back into my life...

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