Chapter 18: Divinity! Chains!

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Gudako P.O.V

I've been unceremoniously dragged away by Brunhilde to do the heinous task of planning and work. Seriously, does she not think I didn't already think this through?! I literally know the future and have the power of literal gods and anime on my side! What more does she want from me?! To plan for the next Ragnarok?! The downfall of the gods?! Ugh... I just wanna take a nap...

Brunhilde: Alright, so who's up next?

Gudako: Eh... wouldn't that spoil the fun part?

Brunhilde: I don't care about the fun part, you little shit. I want to know, there are already enough unknown variables and outcomes with you around and participating your...

She points to my group of servants, being a chaotic mess as always. Good work guys!

Brunhilde: Group of... heroes... over there. 

Gudako: Fine... it's... I'm not telling! 

Brunhilde: You-! Do you want me to shove my fist up your ass so far it goes out your throat-

Suddenly a looming shadow appears over both me and Brunhilde, which stops her dead in her tracks regarding that threat she was about to shout out, as she turns to face the rather angry looking Heracles straight in his rage filled eyes.

Gudako: H-Heracles! It's fine! So calm down!

I spot a glimpse of white hair from behind Heracles, and soon enough Jack popped up from behind Heracles with a murderous glint in her eyes... great... I need to prevent a murder now too.

Jack: Mommy, I was told bullies are bad! This lady seems like a bully... so we should gut her alive! 

Gudako: Not that either, Jack! Both of you calm down and uh... I promise we can go on a mass murder play-date some time, alright?

Jack: Okay... you promise?

Gudako: Pinkie promise!

Jack: Good, if you don't keep the promise we'll hang you by your insides! Love you mommy!

Heracles:  ▅▅!

Gudako: Ahaha... love you too... don't cause too much trouble... *sigh*

Brunhilde: That's supposed to be brother Heracles... the deranged monstrous demon looking fuck? Plus that little girl is... Jack the Ripper? The Jack the Ripper? Seriously? 

I turn back to Brunhilde and ignoring the imminent threats of brutal death by a small child I go back to explaining Fate logic to the ignorant Valkyrie. 

Gudako: Yup, that is Heracles through and through. Though Jack is sort of a complicated situation...

Brunhilde: Sure... well considering how you appeared I shouldn't have expected normal. All a bunch of weirdos it seems...

Gudako: I already won the first round, so stop slandering my servants! And you have no right to talk considering how eccentric some of the people on your list are!

Brunhilde: Tch, fair enough. Let's just hope that plan works out anyways... ah, I just remembered. Does this one need any Volund? I do need to know that much.

Gudako: Hmm... nope. The one I chose... you could say they are the Volund themselves!

Brunhilde: How... does that even work? How can your fighter fight if they are a weapon themselves? Is the sword going to swing itself or something?

Gudako: Hmm... you'll see! Fate is Fate after all!

Brunhilde: What is that supposed to mean?

Gudako: Nothing important! So let's just get ready for this next round so we can snatch the victory already.

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