Chapter 17: Annihilation! Divine!

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Third Person P.O.V

Heimdall had just announced the official beginnings of Ragnarok, now that both fighters had entered the arena. On one side representing the gods stood Thor, the mightiest Norse deity, the berserker of thunder. Standing for humankind was the Raiden Shogun, the electro Archon of Inazuma, more accurately a puppet made so perfectly as to take on the same exact role.

Heimdall: Oh? I just got in some new information regarding the person challenging the mighty Thor and representing the mortals! She is the almighty Shogun of her nation! The one and only Electro... Archon? Well it sounds powerful, so it probably is! She split the skies, seas, and lands in a battle with a serpentine god that ended in her total victory! 

Many gods and humans were interested at these claims, as to whether or not they were true or fake. The previous display of summoning a storm above the arena did provide some validity to them however. As for where these came from? Gudako had fed the information to Brunhilde, but was careful to leave out any details that would actually provide an advantage to the enemy.

Heimdall:  She is the awesome and terrible power of thunder incarnate! The exalted ruler of the Inazuma Shogunate! A great and mighty nation from another world! That implies many world shattering things, but we ignore it for this epic battle! With the might of lightning at her disposal, she commits herself to the pursuit of eternity! The Raiden Shogun!!!!

Done with his flamboyant introductions for the new competitor, Thor had become a bit more interested after hearing such words come from Heimdall. Though still rather uncaring as he viewed them as nothing more than bluffs, expecting she too would die in a mere single blow. So did the audience, after all, Thor proved himself before the eyes of many. 

To them, the Raiden Shogun was a nobody. Lu Bu had many faithful followers, so to see him ditched left a bitter taste in their mouths. As for Thor, he had his own dedicated fans, or those who simply feared him. However to those who did know of the Shogun's strength, they had faith in her ability to triumph in this battle.

Heimdall: It's thunder against thunder! Lightning versus lightning! The audience is pumped to the max!

Gods: Go squash the mortals, Thor!/I love you, Thor!/You're the strongest!

Humans: .../Boo! Where is Lu Bu?!/What's a woman doing here?! She looks frail!

Heimdall: ... well the gods are pumped to the max at least! 

This reaction was to be expected, and it was up to the Shogun herself to change those impressions through this battle. To prove her strength to both the gods and humanity.

Forseti: Thor! Crush that mortal in one blow!

Forseti, the god of peace, cheered for Thor to do something rather... not peaceful. Taking place of the supporters of Lu Bu, Gudako opted to cheer for the Shogun instead. After all, someone had to hype her up at least. Humanity and especially those from China, were still extremely salty over the replacement of Lu Bu.

Gudako: Slice him in two, Raiden! Kick his ass and bring home the win! 

Forseti: K-kick his ass...?

So as the gods cheered, Gudako screamed with the might of Lancelot, and humanity sulked in their stands... the battle was soon to commence as soon as Heimdall blew the horn!

Göll: Brunhilde... do you think the Shogun, was it? Can she win?

Brunhilde: Normally I'd give you a speech about mortals punching the shit out of the god's faces, but right now we're employing one of those very gods. But right now... those gods still think we threw in some random mortal... so right now... this is the best chance to plant a punch to their cocky faces and tear them a new asshole with one of their own! We're gonna fucking cheat this shit!

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