Chapter 20: Grail! War!

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Third Person P.O.V

Atop a mountain, far from the reaches or sights of any civilization or settlement of man, sat a tower of white. It floated high above the clouds, a field of pink petals surrounding it, the occasional breeze sweeping some away. Upon this tower stood a figure in equally white robes, holding onto an intricate staff of wood and metal. This was...

???: Merlin.

Merlin, the Magus of Flowers. As for who called him? Golden hair swayed as wind blew through the open space of the tower, high up as it was. Emerald green eyes met violet, the two people stood in silence until Merlin had decided enough was enough and spoke up.

Merlin: What is it, Artoria?

She stood still, eyes downcast with shadow, until she turned up to look at Merlin... tears in her eyes and a runny nose... shivering like a leaf in the wind...

Artoria: I-It's cold up here... can you make a s-shawl or something?

Said the young girl, donning a white dress and silver armor. Currently also shivering from the cold temperatures of being up this high. Yes, this is Artoria... albeit a much younger and inexperienced version of her. Yet before Merlin could even begin the thought to conjure anything, a flash of light appeared and a knightly figure stood beside the future king.

Gawain: Getting a cold wouldn't do, my King! Allow me!

So the proud Knight of the Round table stood, honorably serving the role of glorified heater to his future king.

Artoria Lily: Woah! It's so warm! Amazing!

Gawain: This is the power of the Sun! But we must be extra careful, so have my coat as well, I have no need for it.

Artoria Lily: Really? Yay! Thank you very much!

Gawain: I have no need for thanks, My King.

Gawain put on the fluffy and rather oversized cape over Artoria as a make-shift cloak, making sure she was warm. As for Merlin, he had promptly been... forgotten.

Merlin: I guess I'm not needed here anymore. Oh well, I need to check up on the others anyway.

In a storm of petals he disappeared as if he was never there, except for the sneezing fit he caused Artoria because of the excessive amount of petals, to which Gawain burnt them to a crisp. Leaving those two be, Merlin came down to see the rest of the make-shift camp set below the tower, to which he was greeted by more chaos.

Chaos which can be described as a red haired man holding up a smaller feminine figure by the collar, looking ready to burn them. 

Merlin: Ms- ahem, Mr. Venti, can you stop taunting Sir Diluc? I love my fair share of messing with people, but this is a rather troublesome situation, you know?

Venti: Fine, fine! All I wanted was a little drink, that's all!

Diluc: What "little" drink is two entire casks of wine?!

Venti: Ehe?

Diluc: ... I can't tell if you're worse than my brother or not. Now leave.

Venti: Aww... that's lame! I wanted more- guh.

The air-headed bard proceeded to then pass out from drinking way too much alcohol.

Merlin: So! How's intelligence collection on your end?

Diluc: I still don't completely trust you or anyone here, you do know that?

Merlin: I know that, but we have to work together if we want to defeat her.

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