Chapter 3: Gambling! Yeah!

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Gudako P.O.V

Guhh... that revelation hit like a truck. Also wait a minute, I didn't die to a truck did I? That must count for something at least. Well even if I didn't die to one, it feels like I got hit by one, because everything hurts! Like really hurts! If it hurt bad when I woke up, it hurts even more now! Although luckily the kind Guild Girl let me just stay in the back for now since I'm dirt poor and injured. I should thank and give her something when I get some cash. But for now I guess I'm just waiting for Cu to finish up his quest along with the Goblin Slayer. Yup, still trying to let the fact that my tutorial world is Goblin Slayer sink in. 

Also the guy's name and the anime's name is the same thing, that's totally not going to be confusing later on. With that out of the way I lazily look around the room that I was left in since I was bored. It appears to be nothing more than a plain old storage room. Some parchment here and there, a couple random ink bottles and all the normal stuff needed to run the front desk on some dusty old wooden shelves. Guess they wouldn't let me in to where they keep the cash and monster parts. Not that I would steal! I'm gonna make an honest living by using my magical slav- my loyal servant to get cash!

But first off I still have 5 gacha rolls to use! Woohoo! I mean I have nothing else to do and saving these things won't help since as far as I can tell there are no limited characters just yet. Yes, I am justified in using these immediately, It's not like I am unable to save these rolls. I simply choose to use them right now, I am not addicted this early on. So with a thought the screen pops up in front of me, displaying the standard FGO banner and I click. I wonder what I am going to get this time?

Congratulations! You've won a: Small Pocket Knife (D+)

At least I have a form of self defense now, not too bad I guess. I was a bit scared it would materialize with the blade out but luckily it was folded. I also do still have 4 rolls to go, so there is still hope of another servant!

Congratulations! You've won a: Dead Fly (F-)

As I see the disgusting thing materialize mid-air I make sure to carefully dodge it. As it lands on the bench I'm resting on I quickly grab a quill to use as a makeshift broom and sweep it off. Ok, not a good omen, but next roll it is!

Congratulations! You've won a: Small Potion of Healing (C)

Ooh! Something useful! I quickly pop open the small bottle of red liquid and chug it. Hmm... my body does hurt less and the bruises are a bit more faded. Well that's nice, if only there was more in the bottle though. Let's hope the good rolls continue, ignoring the dead fly that is.

Congratulations! You've won a: Mystic Code Halloween Royalty (A)

UOOOGHH!!! AN A RANKED ITEM! I GOT SOMETHING GOOD THIS EARLY ON! YEAH! THE NEXT ONE IS GONNA BE AN SSR- GAH! I shouldn't have jumped up in excitement... my body still hurts... oh! It materialized in front of me all neatly folded along with a nice flowery fragrance, how nice of you, system. Besides that, next roll go!

Congratulations! You've won a: Gandr Spellbook (B)

Not an SSR, but cool magic is a win in my book! But where is it anyways, I didn't see it materialize- 


Ah! Why did it materialize above my head! That hurt! What if I really get dementia huh?! I take it back, the system is a bully!


Anyways now that my mood has been boosted significantly I guess it won't be too boring waiting for Cu to come back. So I pick up the spellbook first, saving the best new Mystic Code for last. It seems somewhat old, but the cover has a fancy gold trim along with words that I can't read on the front. Do I really have to read this whole book though? It's surprisingly hefty and thick for just 1 spell. Ughh... I know I was bored but this is somehow even more of a drag, I really hope I don't have to go through all of this just to learn one spell-

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