Chapter 8: Adventure! Killing!

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Gudako P.O.V

We are all currently sat around a table, with Guild Girl currently explaining how we can't take the Tarrasque quest. Thank goodness for that, I don't think I could handle going from one boss monster to another so quickly. Besides that though, there was an issue since I completely forgot that both Mordred and Ushi haven't registered with the guild. 

For now I'll stick with naming them according to their class names, even if they don't have a specified class within the system. Though I'm not sure what I am going to do when there are repeats of the classes since that hasn't happened yet, but I'll figure it out when I get there. So with that I registered Mordred as Saber, and Ushi as Rider. 

I thought I would have to fill out for them but it seems the system also either auto-translates or shoves the information into their brains regarding the local language. With that done they got their porcelain-rank dog tag, even though I know all of these guys could easily be platinum ranked. Though I am a bit concerned with what they may have filled the form with...

Guild Girl: Miss Saber, what exactly did you mean when you filled out the strength category with "Really frickin' strong, can shove my fist up your ass", exactly?

Mordred: Exactly what I meant! If anyone tries any funny shit, I'll shove my fist so far up their ass it'll come out of their-

Guild: I see, that's enough. I don't need any further explanation. So moving on... what did you mean Miss Rider when you filled out the specialty category with "Decapitation, for all your beheading needs", it almost sounds like an advertisement?

Ushi: Was it not clear? I believe it is very understandable at even a glance.

Guild girl: I mean... it is clear what it means, but I just need a bit more clarification for the Guild officials.

Ushi: Very well, it means that I will happily behead anyone, monsters, bandits, and even civilia-

Guild Girl: O-okay! That's enough, Rider, so thank you all for registering to the Guild! I wish you luck in your adventures!

So, back to  Guild Girl recommending other possible quests we can take and explaining that we would need to rank up first to everyone. I already know this but I'm not passing out on a free explanation to my servants, I'm not shoving my responsibilities onto others, it's her job so it's perfectly fine. 


But... why has Mordred been staring at Guild Girl? Oh, it seems she noticed it too, I wonder why though?

Mordred: Uhm... miss? Can I ask a question?

Guild Girl: Sure, feel free to ask any questions on anything that may confuse you.

Hmm... maybe she was just lost in the conversation and needed clarification-

Mordred: Are you my dad?

My face slams directly into the table, and it seems Guild Girl is frozen in a mix of shock and confusion. I can also see Cu trying to hold in his laughter, Hassan giving the blankest stare he could give, and Ushi looking mildly disappointed.

Guild Girl: U-uhm pardon me, that just caught me off guard. But where exactly did that come from? I'm not even a man, or even in a relation-

I've been forgotten, and sink into a sad puddle of patheticness. It was nice being not single for like 2 days, here I come again shut-in life!

Guild Girl: C-correction! Ignore that last part! But to answer your question, I am not your dad.

She then walks over to me and picks me up, bringing me back to normal.

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