Chapter 13: Titans! Rejoice!

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Gudako P.O.V

Notice: Host's collective power level is determined to be sufficient. In 15 days a mandatory event shall be head. A tournament of humans vs gods to determine the fate of the human race. Ragnarok!

I shouldn't have gotten so cocky...



Gil: Kuahaha! You mongrels shall die like mere insects before the might of my uncountable treasury and my dear friend Enkidu's innumerable weapons!

Actually... maybe my confidence isn't completely unfounded. I mean that big Chaos army has been reduced to rubble, corpses, ash, and flesh bits from being blown up by those two walking cheat code characters. If anything this should have been a struggle if Kama didn't get up and do something but it turned into a cakewalk thanks to the luck of getting these two.

If anything... counting the servants I have now and them not being nerfed by being servants... anything should be a cakewalk! Well... not that I'd say that out loud... I don't want the system getting any ideas like fighting every Beast and Grand Servant plus Archons in addition to Herrschers at once completely solo. 

Seriously system, please don't do that. Anyways I am still currently resting on my Kama pillow protected by both Mash and Leonidas' shield Noble Phantasms from nearly all attacks. Right now I'm just waiting for everyone to finish the forces of Chaos off so we can all go home. In fact I might have fallen asleep if it weren't for the I don't know... booming guns and screams of hell demons?!

Not that I can complain all too much considering how peaceful it is just laying here despite it being a supposedly war torn galaxy-

Random Khorne Berserker: DIEE!!!! BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD-

Kama: Be quiet. Can't you see some people are trying to sleep here? All these repeated shouts of the same nonsensical drabble is getting annoying...

After Kama finishes complaining, said random Khorne Berserker suddenly goes up in a giant pillar of blue flames that dissipate after a couple seconds, leaving a pile of ash behind. I would think the giant red flaming men screaming about war would be more flame resistant, but these are some special cosmic flames from Kama to be fair.

So she can do something regarding combat if she needs to. I mean she is a a goddess after all, so she was bound to be useful. Not that being a goddess ensures usefulness though, she just happens to be a useful one... when she feels like it. Ahem, checking back up on the battle also known as the Gil and Enkidu murder-fest! It's still going well luckily, no hiccups on that front.

Though speaking of that front... I didn't think of the cheat level implications of Enkidu producing Noble Phantasm versions of 40k weapons with their Age of Babylon ability, but it works out for me since a wall of Heavy Bolters is a wall of death to my enemies! Gil's weapons that he is shooting out are much more archaic, but Gil is Gil, it still kills of course.

Jalter: Le Grondement de Haine!

Looking to Jalter using her own NP, she turns to me with a smug aura and flick of her hair. I was about to give her the praise she is probably expecting but will never admit because she is a tsundere. But... I think she impaled and set aflame the wrong ones. Not wrong per say... but a poor choice...

Slaneeshi forces: Ahh~ more~ such pleasure~

Gudako: ...Why am I still here... just to suffer?

Jalter: ... I would've stayed as a keychain if I knew there was going to be days like this...

At that very moment both me and Jalter simply stopped thinking. I'd rather not at the moment. The various daemons and marines impaled on the spikes and set on fire were letting out noises one should not hear from such a brutal attack. It seems the others are focused on other battles and both me and Jalter drew the short end of the stick dealing with the Slaneesh ones.

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