Chapter 14: Yorokobe! Slaying!

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Third Person P.O.V

A city that appears to be ripped straight from a fantasy novel stands tall. Citizens and adventures going about their day. Corpses of monsters being ripped for various parts, smiths melting down magical metals, all of it embodying the elements of a fantasy world. Indeed, this is how it's been for uncountable years and how it will continue to be.


If it weren't for the party of misfits that had just brought along a mech the size of a mountain from 40,000 years in the future. The massive imposing figure had taken quite a decent amount of explaining for everyone to get "used" to it's presence. More so they had just gotten used to the antics of this odd girl presumed to be from royalty and her party of even more odd people.

Now to add to this party was a genius from the renaissance, Da Vinci. She had managed to make an explanation that satisfied most of the suspicions of the townsfolk and begrudgingly accepted that the person besides her during her explanation, Rasputin... or more accurately Kotomine Kirei, had managed to use his skills as a priest to add a religious flair that actually helped.

So, the town had gone back to normal... mostly. Mostly because Nobunaga had proceeded to immediately try and re-enact her life by taking over the town for no particular reason, but after being told off resigned to just doing whatever Gudako wanted to do so long as it was fun. That was the explanation she gave to everyone, but it remains to be seen if she will cause a mess.

Now, seeing as everything had gone back to normal and the addition of yet more strange things and people to this world had been settled, Gudako had to settle yet more things. That being the joys of paperwork for the Adventurer's Guild for her new party members. That in addition to stopping any more petty squabbles between the servants, and so they prepared to enter the Guild as they drew closer to the building...


Gudako P.O.V

Phew, who knew that getting 3 new servants and a new base would be so tiring? Well we managed to clean up that whole mess that happens whenever I roll from the gacha or come back from a dungeon. Though keeping Da Vinci from blasting the life out of Rasputin- or is it Kirei? Gah! I don't care!

Ahem, but yes dealing with that was a bit problematic. But Kirei did say that was Rasputin who pulled the whole stab to the heart thing and he already left the control of the body to him... so it should be fine? Not really sure, I just have to keep an eye out for any funny business from the man since Kirei isn't much better.

Luckily it isn't too much of an issue, I think! I have Cu who has already dealt with his funny business before to be a guard dog and plenty of other servants who should be able to make short work of him should he manage to try anything. Plus the system is there so he can't stab me in the heart either, if anything he'll just be a troublesome guy for any servants with past memories.

Which turns out to be a good chunk of them from the way Kirei nearly got skewered, blasted, torn in half, and many more the second he was summoned. But the situation is now under control! Nobu isn't causing chaos, Da Vinci is doing her thing, and Kirei isn't murdering orphans and shit! Hooray!

Anyways, we are now at the front door of the Guild. This door is rather big so I guess it does need some strength to open... it's not budging... gah! This is annoying! I prepare to kick it by manifesting the armor of Lancelot on my leg. Take this!


Gudako: Wife! I have some new people to register! 

I enter with a bang and point at Guild Girl as I shout, drawing the attention and weirded out stares of everyone at the Guild... which also seems to be much more busy today... didn't think of that. Not that it matters! No one would dare think poorly of my embarrassing introduction! Why? I can feel the glares from behind me from some of the servants- and is that Jack pulling a knife out?!

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