Chapter 2: Dog! Fetch!

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Gudako P.O.V

???: Can master wake up already? Also can this damn blood come off? It's so oddly mucous like. It doesn't stand out since Gae Bolg is red, but it just feels nasty to hold you know? *Sigh* Not like you can hear me though, since you're knocked out and all.

Huh... I'm alive? Also a voice? A human voice? Does that mean I'm safe? I don't hear the goblins chasing me anymore, so I feel a tiny bit of relief wash over me at that fact. I still feel wary though, everything hurts and I can barely move or do anything at all. I try to at least open my lips to ask what's going on, but all that comes out is a mumble.

Me: Mmmmgghh...

???: Oh! You're waking up? It seems I actually managed to get lucky this time around.

At least they sound friendly, so I next try to get up, but quickly forfeit that idea when I feel a sharp pain course through me. I suck in air with a sharp noise as I try to muffle the pain I felt.

Me: Tsk! It... hurts...

???: Oi master, don't try moving just yet. I only used some basic runes, despite how much I don't want to use them I can't let my master just die in front of me. For now your leg should be healed on the outside, but the bone is still fractured at the very least. The rest of your minor wounds are fine, any pain is just residual, it'll get better soon. Just rest for now, don't worry though, no monsters can get through me!

Oh, so they know some healing magic of some kind? That's helpful, but why would they help me? More importantly why are they calling me master? Did he, at least I assume so, mistake me as someone else? Or is that just common courtesy in this world? Well I still haven't tried opening my eyes yet, they seem to be sort of stuck together with a mixture of dried blood and tears. So I slowly move my hand and wipe it off. Slowly opening my eye lids, my vision is blurry for a moment, but I can make out an outline of a blue colored man? Or is that just his clothes? Anyways I wait for my vision to clear up and finally see- Cu Chulainn from Fate?! Then I roll away while shouting.

Me: Get away! You're E rank luck germs are going to get on me! Cu Chulainn's curse of lancer class is gonna spread!

I immediately regret that as I bonk my head against a log and I instantly feel worse. I guess I got karma for joking around.

Cu Chulainn: Hey! Is that any way to thank the person who just saved you?! Though considering my luck in general I guess I can kind of understand. Also didn't I just tell you not to move!

Me: Sorry...

Cu: It's fine, just don't mess around too much, I don't want to have to reapply runes anymore than I have to. I have a warrior's pride you know? Healing others and throwing fire around is a the job of a magus. Anyways let's go, I'm not good enough as a cook unlike some other servants, so we better make it to a town fast, and to get you new clothes. I'm sure after what happened you must be tired.

Me: After what happened? The last thing I remember was running away from the goblins in the cave? Did you happen to run by me? Actually how are you even here?

Cu: Well that's a simple answer, you summoned me and are thus my master.

Me: I did?

I think back trying to recall some memories, and manage to jog up that I still had the last roll from my 10x pull. Talk about coming in at the last second!

Me: Ah... I remember now. 

Cu: Well that's good, but the last thing you remember was running from the goblins? When I found you... you were bleeding out and in horrible shape after some goblins managed to corner you...

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