Peace Maker

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"You can't keep hiding it, won't you?"

"Heh? What do you mean sir?" I asked tilting my head to the side.

"Ms. Phil, when we are talking I suddenly notice that you were sometimes changing voice when I talk about your family. Just what are you hiding that couldn't be hide?" He asked out of blue and I was now sure the first person who will know about my symptoms is Mr. UN itself and I was prepared for some answer's.

"I'm sorry for hiding this from you Mr. UN but, you may already know my symptoms just based on your look and curiosity that is fading you might know" I smile a bit.

"Uh huh, SSE is a rare symptoms you know Ms. Phil, I only have seen once like them in the past. You can't get to see people that have one of those in these Academy" He said holding the cup of tea and he then place it down on the table.

"I know, but I am just trying to hide it for some reason" I said while holding onto my chest.

"And for reason, is it about your family?" He asked.

He said was true and a conversation about my family does makes me flinched in fear and sadness sometimes.

"...." I stayed quiet hoping he would understand already.

"I understand Ms. Phil but why would you keep it as a secret? When one day it will soon be revealed unintentionally" He said legs that were crossed.

"I just don't have the courage to let it out yet, I might become anxious when I tell the world about it, and right now the ones that knew my symptoms is my brothers and you" I said holding my breath until I finish what I am saying.

"I am not just the only one who knows your symptoms but also ASEAN and EU too" He said.

"If you don't mind sir, could you keep it as a promise. I don't want rumors about me and my symptoms" I said in a low tune but enough to be heard.

"Of course but on one condition though" He said and I wonder, well if it's for the safety of my secret then I don't mind.

"Sure, ask the way"

"Can I touch your hair?" He said. Touch my hair? Is that it? But ok.


Mr. UN then went closer to my back and started touching my hair. This reminded of something but what was it.


As I got closer to her back I can already feel her smooth waving hair that goes in the wind. I don't know why I made that kind of condition just made me want to.

Once I touch her hair my world suddenly stopped and for a second it was breathtaking when touching her hair. It's flawless, silky and milky hair, it's like pure silk but soft and straight. The color of her hair does matched her beautiful figure. The blue and white hair of hers, but when it's gazed to the sun especially sunset it's like a gods special creation. Once I finished touching her hair I then back away from her to look at her. I have felt that this is the kind of child that I want, not like those noisy and disobedient countries but a leader who is kind, compose, flawless, obedient, likes peace and much more but I can't explain it.

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