Can I Be Your Partner?

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It's now wednesday morning and I am now here in the classroom waiting for class. Two days have passed since I met Israel, we have been going out much often too. Sometimes, he always takes me to fly with him, we always meet up at the fountain. It's almost valentine's day, I wonder what kind of special activity will my country do at valentine's day? I somehow missed my country, like who would? Everyone will surely missed there home.


"Mahal?" I suddenly heard the familiar nickname and I look at the door, it's Joe. He put his bag at his chair and went up to me.

"Good morning Joe" I greeted.

"Morning Mahal, you seemed depressed? What happened?" He said quite worried, do I really look that depressed?

"Oh..really? I think I'm missing my country and wondering actually" I said and I forced a smile. Joe seemed fine when I smile.

"What are you wondering about?" He asked sitting at Estonia's seat.

"Valentine's day is coming, and I'm wondering what will my country do at this month of love" I said and Joe suddenly turns red, I can see smoke coming out.

"Uh..Joe? Are you alright? Your turning red? Did you catch a cold?" I asked worriedly, I touched his forehead and it was seriously hot.

"Uh..nope I'm not actually....I don't think so but" He stuttered and I don't think I understand a thing. He breath in and out and his face was now back to normal.

"Are you free at valentine's Mahal?" He said scratching his head. I thought about it, I don't have plans on yeah I think I'm free well except for calling my brothers to greet valentine's so yeah....quite free.

"Yeah.. I'm free actually, don't have much things to do" I said in my timid voice.

"Great!! I mean...Yeah!! I am still not planning on what we are about to do but I'll tell you about it" He stands in excitement and quite flustered.

"Of course you'll do. Expecting that it will be fun" I said and the class rang.

"Morning!" Says one of the students. I just smiled actually. Russia then came in and surprisingly, he isn't wearing his thick jacket like always and now he's wearing the school uniform.

"Morning Sunshine" He said in a happy tone.

"Morning Russia, you aren't wearing your jacket? Why is that?" I asked.

"Nothing, just the placed turned a bit hot" He turned back from what I see his blushing. I just tilted my head in wonder, maybe it's embarrassing to not wear his jacket..I see.

"You don't need to be embarrassed Russia, you look good with your uniform" I said happily and he just gave me a flustered+confused face which he sat down in his seat, Joe also went to it's seat a bit pissed off.

Soon, our class adviser, Mr. Historical came in holding a bick thick book. Wow......

"Good morning Professor Historical" We all said in unison.

"Good morning Class, and so...." He stop at his sentence and put his book on his table.

"Yesterday, we just got a meeting about the activities that we will be doing at Valentine's day" He said and that made the whole room filled with gossip.

"So....the point on this activity is that we will held a ball!" Said our adviser and the whole room screamed!!


"Hey!! Who do you think will be my partner?" Shouts the girls from the side, but for me, I just listened to what our adviser is saying, it's not like I care or anything just.......not that motivated for this kind of stuff.

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