He's Back

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Another day in World Academy, where Philia and the others are in the cafeteria, eating lunch. Philia is with her friends, the two from ASEAN: Indonesia and Malaysia, with America alongside with New Zealand and Estonia eating at the side. They were talking for a bit since they have two hour lunch break making them not worry about time, until....

“Yo, I heard that the psychopath freak is back” America said and they all stop eating, wanting to confirm on what America said.

“What? You mean that he is back?!” New Zealand said in the most irritated voice that somewhat sends shivers to the students that passes by. He cleans his mouth with a napkin for some unwanted crumbs of food on his mouth before tugging the glass of water.

“Psychopath?” Indonesia gave a confused look at America.

“Guess you haven't heard about him, he enrolled in the academy about a year ago which is when I was just a first year” America drinks the glass of coca-cola into his mouth before letting out a loud sigh.

“At that time, he's at class 1-A while I was 1-B, he is called the psychopath cause he's a psycho, trying to murder someone for attention and praise. I once had a fight with him, though he almost lost and used his powers for revenge. In the end, the third gym was a wreck until now” America stopped and looks at the trio who is shock.

“My advise for you three is to not talk or make eye contact with him, he has a bad temper, I reassure” New Zealand said.

“Have you talked to him?” Ask Malaysia to New Zealand which only made him pissed off.

“Yes of course, I once talked to him, or even tried to kill him in some sort of way, that psycho burned all of the paperwork that I worked so hard so that I can get a long time sleep but in the end, I didn't slept for a good ten days because of him” He made a pissed smile.

“Where you okay? Sleeping for days can cause to sleep deprivation” Philia worriedly asks, New Zealand finds it cute in some sort. Her eyes wanting for asnwers while her ears are twitching, wanting to hear a yes and a good reply from the kiwi.

“Yes, I was good and had a good rest for a couple of days once I was done with the paper work, but I'm still not going to forget how he burned all those sweat and blood that I worked”

“This guy must've be a troublesome person” Says Philia while drinking her mango juice.

“Oh, he isn't just a trouble, a pain in the ass even!!” America shot up from his seat while saying those words.

“Then if he's a pain in the ass, then why isn't he expelled?” Indonesia has a good point and News Zealand replies.

“You see, expelling him isn't that easy as you count one, two, three. His father has knowledge about country powers, if we have some sort of malfunction controlling our powers then we go to him, expelling his son will only just break the ties between the world and him. So it was hard for the organizations and continents to expell him, even though he almost killed a human cause he got pissed looking at him”

New Zealand explains more about the psychopath that is coming back in the academy.

“That is why, I'll say it again, ignore him, if he caught your interest then you either go to the student council or the two of us and if he's actions becomes abusive, do not hesitate to use your powers for defense” New Zealand again explained and the trio nodded till the bell rang.

America looks at his wristwatch seeing that the two hour break is finish. “We better get going now, the professor will be mad on out” He chuckled saying that and the five then went on to their designated classes.

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