Dares and Truths By: Author

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Author: Good morning, afternoon, or evening ladies and gents. Joke I was just playing around. This is not a chapter but the Dares and Truths!!! I finally got to write about this, it's such a hassle cause I can't think of anything help me~

And with that let's meet today's guest......of course let's see it's, America!

America: Yo!!

America!!!!! Please be my wife!!

America!!! Please date me!!

America: Sure why not fans! (Wink)

Ahhhh!!!! (Drop to the floor nosebleed)

Author: Alright alright.... Call the police now, this is going to be a chaos.

Spy: Yes miss. (Naruto disappearing technique)

Author: We also have....ok that is enough, let's meet the sunshine harem everyone.

(Hands clap 👏)


Japan: Konichiwa mina sama

Spain: Hello

America: Yo!

Author: So today we are getting questions not from the reader's for now cause there are none to be dared about. So I got the dares and truth by my family.

America: This will be nice but don't take it too serious about this author.

Japan: Yeah.....but if there is a dare for me that I can kiss Philia then I don't mind running around to find her.

Spain: You have no right Japan, just who ever wanted that! You're a complete otaku.

Japan: I don't care Baka!

Both of them stared intensively

Author:.............Ok that is enough of your introduction. (Looks at Russia) So Russia?

Russia: Hm?

Author: You're awfully silent there, what are you doing?

Russia: Nothing........(sweat dropped)

Author: Ok that is enough, let's start the questioning shall we? First let's start of from America's questions.

America: Nice 😎

Author: Truth or Dare?

America: Hmm.....Dare? Yeah dare should be fine.

Author takes out an envelope and reads it.

Author: The dare is to talk to the last girl that you dated and make her happy. (Closes the envelope)

America: What!! I can't do that! We broke up by text! And I can't face her!

Author: Just do it, say like "hey I'm sorry that I broke up with you by text" or something.....just cheer her up! And beside, it's your fault why you broke up with tons of girls, have respect in woman next time.

Spain: Just who is this girl that you last dated?

America: I can't tell.......

Japan: Stop whining America-kun! Maybe we can help too.

America: I told you not to go harsh on the dares! T^T

Russia: Just who the flop are you talking about!!!!! So we can end this al-

America: It's Ms. Moscow.....



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