Chapter 11

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Monica P.O.V

I knew this could end up in a disaster, going back to dad's and Uncle Joey's house. Or what used to be my house only, in my time.

But the truth was, I was so tired, and Roxanne was barely conscious from all the medicine and morphine they gave her. I knew we wouldn't be able to make it back to the time machine.

That had been my plan, to go back and sleep there.

But one look at Roxanne and I knew I couldn't possibly make her walk all the way back to the time machine.

The drive back to the house was silent, I could practically feel the tension radiating from my dad.

I wondered why he was so mean in this time?

Uncle Joey on the other hand, was practically radiating warmth, but then again, he was always like that. Dad on the other hand was more serious than him but still kind and friendly to people.

This younger version of my father really did surprise me.

I would have never suspected him to being such a grouch.

Monica, he has no clue of who you are, he probably thinks you're crazy, I reminded myself.

Right right, because why would he believe we're from the future?

I sighed and closed my eyes, how on earth am I going to do this? How am I going to make them believe that we're their daughters from the future?

I didn't realize I had fallen asleep the moment I closed my eyes until I heard Uncle Joey's voice whispering that we had arrived.

My eyes stung as I forced them open and I shook Roxanne gently "Hey, we're home," I whispered to her.

She opened her eyes groggily "Come on," I whispered helping her out of the car.

Uncle Joey observed us as we got out of the car, "Do you need help?" he asked me.

"I got her," I replied tiredly, I wrapped my arm around Roxanne and guided her inside.

She was still barely conscious, but at least she was walking.

Dad walked behind us with his arms crossed, I could feel his glare at the back of my head and I couldn't help but find it in a way amusing.

Uncle Joey led the way into the house and I looked around me, of course, in my time this was my house, I lived here.

But in this time I knew the house belonged to grandpa and grandma, my heart skipped a beat when I realized I was going to get to see them again!

I squeezed Roxanne's shoulder "Roxanne!" I whispered excitedly trying to keep my voice down so I wouldn't freak out dad or Uncle Joey, "Roxanne! Roxanne! We're going to see grandma and grandpa! Rox!" I whispered happily.

I saw Uncle Joey slightly cock his head to the side and I mentally winced, oops, guess he had heard me.

He shook his head as if dismissing what I had said and turned and led us to the living room, "Should I get mom?" he asked dad.

Dad rolled his eyes "You better," he said.

"Go ahead and take a seat, I'm just going to call my mom so she can meet you" Uncle Joey told us.

I didn't sit down right away, I was so excited to see grandma again! Oh to get to hear her gentle voice again! The excitement had totally woken me up!

I looked around me, the whole house was decorated differently, but it was still the same house, the one I grew up in.

Tears pooled in my eyes, the last memory I had of this place was when we were leaving to hide from the vampires.

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