Chapter 31

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Recap: We both gasped when we felt the van humming as it turned on, "Dad, whatever happens, we got think of a plan fast!" I said worriedly.
Ugh shit, what had we gotten into now?!

Alex P.O.V

The van drove forwards forcing Monica and I to slam back. "Ow!" we both cried out as we tumbled from place to place. Whoever the hell was driving was doing it carelessly! Either they were the worst drivers or they were doing it on purpose so Monica and I would end up battered in the back!

We tried to hang onto anything but there was literally nothing in the back trunk, whenever the van turned we both slammed to the side.

"D-dad" Monica clung to me, "Just hang on," I continued to repeat.

Fucking hell, where are these bastards taking us, I thought trying to keep calm. To be honest I was slightly worried, because I had no idea where these men would take us, and also because I had no clue if Joey and the others had been able to escape.

I knew I had to keep a calm look for Monica, she already seemed worried enough and my worrying didn't need to affect her either!

But the truth is that I really am worried, not only for Joey and Roxanne, but also for Emma, because I know that she doesn't know as much as Joey and I do, and say these fuckers try and interrogate her?

At once an image filled my head were Emma is being tortured for answers she has no knowledge about. Another image flooded my head where Joey was being dunked in icy cold water so they could get more answers about the time machine. I imagined a sobbing Roxanne, too terrified to be able to say anything.

The images were so vivid in my head that I began to dig my fingers into Monica's shoulder without being fully conscious of doing it, I was so angry! These men couldn't do that to them! I really hoped that Joey and the others had managed to escape! At least it would take some worry off my shoulders.

If they had managed to escape, what would Joey do? I knew my brother wasn't going to sit tightly with crossed arms, and Roxanne was going to be worried sick about Monica. I wondered if they had any clue that it wasn't the government who had taken us but Hawking's men?

That is, if they figured out they had taken us already, but I doubted they hadn't noticed by now. The question was, what would be their next move? I'm pretty sure they'd tell my mother right away but I didn't think this would be like a jail sort of thing.

Where if they pay high enough they'll let you free. No, something told me that this was completely different, to get us out of here would be hard.

Shit, I thought, are we going to have to escape? But...escape from what? From where? Damn it, this wasn't correct! Hawking's men couldn't just that us like that! We had a right to know where we would go right?

I clenched my teeth, we didn't exactly know what Hawking's men wanted right? Maybe all they wanted was to give us a scare so we didn't return to the time machine? Although technically it wasn't fair, because we weren't doing anything wrong! That machine belonged to us! To Monica and Roxanne!

But then if we told them that then they'd start to ask a whole lot of questions, then what if they thought Monica and Roxanne were aliens or something? They'd keep them under examinations! They'd never let us go if they found out that the time machine belonged to us! Two girls coming from the future? Hell I bet they'd do everything to keep that a secret, so that people never found out that time travelling was possible!

On the other hand though, if we told Hawking all about the time machine then we might have a chance of him believing us and not creating vampires in the future. I mean, Monica had already told him everything and it turns out that he did believe her, so maybe this was our chance to convince him?

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