Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 SJ Designer.

    "I didn't mean that," Pei Sheng hurriedly put his hands on her knees, his eyes were sincere and worried, and he argued: "It's not that I don't like you, I'm just too surprised. You borrowed 200,000 star coins. What's the matter?"

    200,000 star coins is not a small number, even if there is a lot of pocket money in the account every month, it can be spent a lot, and it happens to be in the middle of the month, there is only a small 30,000 in the account, it is not worth it. I can't afford that much money.

    The knee was pressed by that white and soft hand, neither light nor heavy, Shi Jing looked at those clear and transparent eyes, felt guilty, coughed dryly and said seriously: "It's really urgent, I'm not a mech Department? The school’s mechas are only used in class, am I not a junior? There are too many mecha courses, if I don’t buy mechas to operate, I’m afraid I won’t be able to get the mecha qualification certificate by then If you come down...then you won't be able to graduate."

    This reason is quite reasonable.

    "So I bought mechas." Pei Sheng's smile grew stronger, his eyes full of admiration and joy: "Shi Jing, you are so self-motivated, and I really didn't like the wrong person.

    " There are all, and it is difficult to win more than 30 million yuan.

    "So, do you lend me money?" Shi Jing was caught off guard by Zhi Qiu's confession, abruptly brought back the topic, stretched out both hands to hold the soft little hand on his knee, and slightly bowed to adjust his gaze to meet him , smiled sincerely and longingly, blinked his eyes and said, "I really, really need it. The 200,000 yuan is all I need to get the certificate."

    "Indeed, it is very important to get the certificate!" The flaming hands made him uncomfortable, and he wanted to pull away quickly. Alpha looked at him like he was staring at a little sheep, and the continuous questioning made him a little helpless.     "It's only two hundred thousand, you're so kind, lend it to me," Shi Jing smiled even more, seeing that he should not know the other party's hesitation, he couldn't help flashing a little success in his heart, knowing that he might have to decline, and promised Said: "When I go to the battlefield in the future, I will make great achievements in the military department, become a lieutenant colonel, and become a commander. I will definitely pay it back to you."     Like ordinary mecha students, they were selected and transferred to the military department after graduation I don't know how long it has been since I was promoted to lieutenant colonel, and it is clear that I have borrowed and will not repay.

    "But, I don't have that much money in my account." Pei Sheng sneered at Alpha's empty mouth, but he still had to pretend to be silly and sweet, and he broke away from Alpha's hand and hurriedly took out Wallet, flipping through the wallet in front of Shi Jing, stuffing banknotes and bank cards into her hands, not daring to look at Alpha's stunned expression, holding the empty wallet with lowered eyes and rubbing her fingers, looking uncomfortable and guilty Said: "I... I only have 3,000 star coins... Recently, the medical department has spent a lot of money, and I can't do anything about it. Look... Can you do it?"

    Shi Jing didn't expect him to pay so straightforwardly, looking into his hand One or two thousand loose coins, and then looking through three bank cards, the balance displayed on the lower right corner of the magnetic card is either a few yuan or more than a thousand yuan. It is really hard to imagine that the noble young man in the school is... a pauper! ?     However, he was not frightened by the mere few thousand yuan to borrow money, nor did he return home in a hurry. He restrained his smile and put the banknotes and bank cards back into Pei Sheng's wallet neatly, and then solemnly put the wallet back into Pei Sheng's hand Li, said: "It's really not enough."     "I'm sorry." Pei Sheng held the wallet and apologized, heaved a sigh of relief, looked at her and suggested, "Why don't you borrow some from others."     "Pei Sheng, my family background It’s really average, it’s so poor, and my friends are so poor one by one, you also know that I got into this school because of... this..." Shi Jing rubbed his thumb against his index finger and middle finger, implying "money" I can’t help you.”     “If you really like me, go help me .” Collect enough 200,000 yuan to buy mechas. If you really have no choice, then I think our fate will end here." She stood up, as if she was very sorry, and seeing his face change slightly, she thought that she had stabbed Omega again. With a glassy heart, he patted him on the shoulder and said solemnly: "I'd better find another Omega who can lend me so much money."     An Alpha who is waiting for a rich woman Omega to take care of him perfectly avoids the category that normal Omega likes!     In this way, she should be kicked away.

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