Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 Trapped in the Secret Room (2) ·

    "Shen Yun... Shen Yun, you're awake!" Pei Sheng vaguely saw her moving through the night, his anxiety and tension were eased, he reached out his hand to touch her forehead, and asked worriedly, "Are you feeling better?"

    Shi Jing There was a strong bitter taste in his mouth, and his body was not as uncomfortable as before. He sat on the ground and leaned against the coffin with his head up, clasped the wrist that was stretched out, and felt that something was wrong. She guessed what was going on, her mood was extremely complicated, and her voice softened a little: "I'm fine."

    Before that, her consciousness was torn apart, but her body of a 3S Alpha was not dead.

    She could vaguely feel that the lips and the tip of the tongue were being injected with medicinal juice, and how the wound on the leg was being debrided one by one. This made her temples throb, and she was annoyed that Omega was dying and was contaminated with toxins. What should I do if I die?

    "Yeah." The hand clasping the wrist was so hot that Pei Sheng broke free. He smelled the smell of agave on her body, and it spread a little bit. He quickly retracted his hand and looked at her tensely. Looking at Alpha, he told about the antidote one by one, and said guiltily: "The antidote is the professor's homework, I hope to be perfect, so I checked a lot of information, this tube of antidote has not been tested by the professor , but...maybe after drinking it, some side effects may occur due to the dosage."

    In the situation just now, he also had no choice.

    "What side effects?" Shi Jing barely pulled his consciousness.

    The glands at the back of the neck were burning, obviously it was the faint smell of lime in the air, but at the moment she was lingering at the tip of her nose, but it was so clear.

    Pei Shengdao: "The dose of the drug is large, and it stimulates the glands during the detoxification process...inducing the susceptibility period."

    During the susceptibility period, Alpha's pheromones dissipate, and will fall into a manic trough. Without inhibitors, Omega needs to be appeased , otherwise it will be very painful to spend it abruptly.

    But last night he asked Alpha to temporarily mark her. If he asked her to temporarily mark her again to appease Alpha, it would be twice.

    You should know that the more times Alpha marks Omega, it will have an impact on both parties. Under the attraction of pheromone, it is difficult to distinguish whether it is matching or liking, and the critical number of times is three times.

    Shi Jing touched the scorching glands, felt that the other party was blaming himself, and comforted him with a smile: "Your medicine is very good, as a medical student, it's pretty good to be able to do's just the susceptibility period, even if you don't have inhibitors, It's not a big problem for me."     Pei Sheng's heart seemed to be washed by the waves, it was thrown high for a while, and fell slowly for a while, full of joy like a child who got candy, he couldn't believe it He smiled a little: "Really?"     As a medical student, it was the first time he actually used medicine to save people at a critical moment.     Without the professor's guidance, the process of Alpha's rescue was uneasy, and every minute and every second was suffering.     "Really." Shi Jing nodded, and reached out to stroke his soft hair, "You will definitely become a very good doctor in the future."     If it weren't for the concocted medicine, she might really have to sit and wait to die, all relying on her physical strength.     "Yes." Pei Sheng nodded obediently.     Alpha, was his first patient.     For medical students, this is already a high praise.     "Go to the corner and sit down. I'll see if you can hide in the coffin and survive the susceptibility period."     "...?" After a short period of doubt, Pei Sheng smelled the agave smell on her body, and saw her He gritted his teeth and insisted that he didn't want to ask him for help. Knowing that Alpha didn't want to take advantage of others' danger, but wanted him to protect himself, he walked slowly to the corner and squatted down, drawing circles with his index finger on the ground, pursing his lips to muster up courage, and his voice followed Asked like a mosquito: "Miss Shen, you... are you married?"     Shi Jing groped for the mask on the ground, stood up after putting it on, turned around and pushed the coffin lid, "No."     The moment she got it, she Notice the carvings on the coffin of this human height, and find that the lines are fine, and the material is made of high-precision meteorite, which is extremely difficult to destroy. It does not look like a masterpiece of Zerg, but more like a human tomb.

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