Chapter 13

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Chapter 13 I am looking for Shen Yun. ·

    A few Zergs abruptly lifted the coffin, but unexpectedly, there were hundreds of thick wires connected to the exquisitely carved coffin, all of which glowed purple and were connected to the bottom of the coffin.

    "Zizizi." More

    than a dozen sharp tentacles harvested the purple wires like leeks, and then three Zergs dug the ground in front of the cave, and the four Zergs behind jointly carried the coffin and drilled along the way they came. go in.

    Shi Jing in the coffin hugged Pei Sheng's nose and kept sniffing at the back of his neck, clothes, hair, and glands. The smell of lime made her feel better, and her strong self-control made her remember that she was an imperial soldier and could not be marked. The weak Omega can't rashly take off the Omega's clothes to build a nest to seek comfort, otherwise it will have an irreversible impact on both of them after she wakes up. The scent of lime rubbing her nose made her feel more at ease, and she was reluctant to move at all. open.

    It smells good.

    "You...Shen Yun..." Pei Sheng's arms ached from being shackled, clinging like a puppy, his intimate and ambiguous behavior caused him to struggle, "You...don't..."

    But the gland was never bitten, which made him surprised and nervous.

    Alpha... Why is Alpha like this? Is it not temporarily marked?

    "Don't move." Shi Jing grabbed Pei Sheng's fluttering hand, his voice was suppressed and hoarse, but there was an undoubted domineering hint.

    Alphas in the susceptible period, in order to get Omega's appeasement, will become easy to act like a baby, more domineering than usual.

    Pei Sheng noticed that the hand holding him was trembling slightly, and his fingertips touched Alpha's wet military uniform at the neckline. Knowing that Alpha had endured so much, he buried his head in her arms, and stopped struggling.

    It's all suffocated, and you still don't want to bite him?

    "Boom boom boom."

    "Hiss hiss." The

    coffin was tilted outward like cargo, and the sound of friction came from all around.

    The Omega in her bosom leaned against her bosom, sniffing his hair desperately, and sighed with satisfaction: "It smells so good..."

    Pei Sheng shrank his neck, his neck was burning red, and his heart was pounding. .

    The coffin was bumped for thirty minutes before it stopped slowly, as if it was being dragged in some direction on the flat bottom.

    The irritating smell in the coffin gradually dissipated, and Shi Jing was drenched in sweat and recovered a little bit. Although the susceptible period had not completely passed, it was not as serious as before. In her arms, she couldn't help being annoyed, she let go of the shackles, her temples thumped, and she said apologetically, "Sorry, I couldn't control it for a while."

    Although she didn't mark Pei Sheng temporarily, she was very clingy to Pei Sheng just now, and rubbed against him again. The head rubs against the glands at the back of the neck again.

    ...It's really terrible.

    "...Well." Pei Shengchao stepped back, held his hot cheeks to cool down, and said in a steady voice, "It's nothing, just helping each other when necessary."

    Shi Jing heard him calm as if nothing had happened, On the contrary, it made her feel uneasy, hoping that he would accuse her of being rude, or make her responsible by crying like Shen Siling, but Pei Sheng was calm, calm and self-possessed, and handled it without delay, even felt that the voice was full of An inexplicable sexy, like a feather poking at the tip of her heart, made her wish to see the expression on his face clearly through the darkness.

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