Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 Pei Sheng is Dangerous!

    Unexpectedly, Liang Chi sent a commander to supervise Huang Yu to accompany the army.

    "Your Highness ordered me to supervise the whole process, and my responsibilities, please forgive me." Xiaoyuan's glasses were framed on the tall and thin male Alpha, which made his face thin and pedantic, and his slender fingertips poked the frame of the glasses. The smile on the corners of his lips tainted his pride. Looking at the two deputy commanders in military uniforms who were full of blood in front of him, he said politely: "If you encounter Zerg at that time, please protect me."

    Qin You looked down on Huang Yu, a burden who would pant after walking a few steps, got in the way, but how could he not know that he was the eyeliner sent by His Highness, and when he looked at Huang Yu immediately, his face was very ugly, and he wanted to tie him up and stuff him in the grove .     "That's natural." Shi Jing smiled with his eyes under the mask, not annoyed by the accident, and reminded with a smile: "This road is bumpy, please don't mind Governor Huang.     " People boarded the maglev military vehicle.     The vehicles reprinting the army drove into the birch leaf forest one by one, and marched through the thick ink like fireflies in the dark night, with the sound of "craters and pits" one after another.     As soon as Shi Jing got in the car, he chatted with Huang Yu, flattered one after another, and handed him a cigarette that was hidden in the car. Yu smiled openly.     After a while, the two hooked up shoulder to shoulder and called each other brothers, wishing they could worship on the spot.     Huang Yu frankly took out the GPS positioning system that Liang Chi had given him and shook it. By the way, he also said that he would broadcast the battle situation to His Highness every half hour. For this reason, Shi Jing praised him for his dedication and hard work, but as soon as the topic changed, he talked about the story of killing insects on the battlefield.     "You don't know that the soldiers we came out from the same batch went to the battlefield to kill the Zerg. One was swallowed alive by the Zerg, and the palm of the other was gnawed off by the Zerg... Also, all the intestines, stomach and spleen were taken out , He used pottery on the battlefield to stuff it in...if it wasn't for the military doctor who sewed it back up..."     "'s good to be alive     ."

    "..." Huang Yu heard the image feeling in his mind, the cigarette in his hand was no longer fragrant, and his face turned slightly pale.

    Qin You listened with raised eyebrows, feeling amazed in her heart.

    Someone is going to be fooled again.     Shi Jing hugged his chest and sighed, then asked in a low voice: "Brother Huang, can you pilot a mecha


, shaking the soot, said inscrutably and rather annoyedly: "Of course I won't."

    "Then you have to be careful on the battlefield. If you don't have mechas on the battlefield, you will throw people to the Zerg as food. In particular, the highly intelligent Zerg also like brains full of wisdom, and they especially like to press their red tentacles against their foreheads," Shi Jing smiled at the corner of his lips, and said in a deep voice, his right index finger raised up, and swished towards Huang Yu's forehead Jumping over, seeing him pale with fright and tense all over, he said slowly, "Just suck up the brain."

    "Bang—" the

    maglev military vehicle jolted violently.

    Huang Yu slammed into the window of the car in a sudden bump. His glasses were deformed by the wagon, hanging crookedly on the bridge of his nose, showing a painful expression, but he completely threw those messy things out of his mind. Not as tall and strong as a soldier. After sitting up straight, he pushed his small round glasses and frowned, "Why is it so bumpy?

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