Chapter 37

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Chapter 37 This money is earned. ·

    Pei Sheng didn't make any money, so he returned home.

    For the first time, he wondered whether anyone would buy the potion he made himself.

    Jin Saixi comforted him, saying that these medicines are sold at pharmacies for 700 star coins, and someone must need them!

    Pei Sheng went again, but he still didn't earn a dime.

    He was almost followed by the hooligans, but fortunately he is not weak, and with the magic vines around, no one can bully him.

    During the day, everything is as usual in the face of the times, but at night, I still persist in selling potions.

    No money came in, and the money for renting the aircraft was spent, which caused him a lot of headaches.

    He did the math, and if he went to the black market again, there would be no extra money for him to waste.

    If it doesn't open again, I really can't go to the black market.

    Pei Sheng was anxious, very anxious.

    Even Gen Shijing was absent-minded when eating.

    Shi Jing also noticed that something was wrong with him, and looked at the food on his plate, as usual, and looked at the clothes on his body, but he didn't see that he was uncomfortable, or...

    After thinking about it, she didn't figure it out.

    "What's the matter with you?" After marking Omega temporarily at noon, Shi Jing couldn't help asking, "I haven't seen you smiling recently."

    Omega didn't smile much at first, but now he's a sad young man, and it's even more visible to the naked eye. smile.

    Pei Sheng was still lying in her arms in a daze, and suddenly he was wronged, and he pouted and said, "I'm so poor, I'm so poor."

    For a dime, he would be so worried.

    In the past few nights, he couldn't sleep, and his hair fell out badly. If this continues, his head will be bald.

    "Where are you poor?" Shi Jing made some money from going to the sword field in the past few nights, but not much. She thought that she should open up some new ways, and when she saw Omega worried, she comforted her: "Sheng Sheng, I will give it to you in a while." You pay by card."

    These days, how could I forget this.

    Pei Sheng hurriedly said: "Don't! I have enough cards."

    Hit him again, and he will be even more bald!

    Shi Jing kissed his forehead, vaguely aware of what he was worried about, and asked, "Sheng Sheng, what's the matter?"

    "I just... want to go out and make some money like you, but... I'm so useless. "A bottle of antidote can't be sold!

    Time scene: "..."

    Where can she go to the sword field with Omega! Don't even think about it!

    So she comforted: "Sheng Sheng, after you graduate, you will become a doctor. Doctors are very good! You will be fine in the future. Our task now is to study hard, so don't think about what you have."

    Pei Sheng pouted, Burying his head in her arms, he didn't respond.


    After Shi Jing finished the course, he directly rented the aircraft and headed towards the black market.

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