Chapter 14

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Chapter 14 He is fully loaded. ·

    "Sir, there is no one named Shen Yun here." The young officer on guard stood upright, his gaze was like a sword of Zangfeng, and his voice had the unique coldness of a soldier.

    Pei Sheng was stunned when he heard the words, his hands holding the bag tightened, his heart hung up, he was a little nervous for some reason, and he gestured anxiously: "It's this tall female Alpha, wearing a gray-black military uniform, with black eyes and hair She often wears a mask."

    "By the way, she has the rank of colonel." He was afraid that the scope of what he said would be misunderstood by the officer, so he said hopefully, "Just yesterday, her calf was injured." A flash of

    light flashed in the eyes of the officer on guard . A little bit of doubt, thinking of the scene of the deputy commander who went to the Zerg to rescue the hostages yesterday, but there is no one he described, "Sir, there is really no one named Shen Yun here."

    "..." Pei Sheng's eyes flashed with disappointment , pursed her thin lips, looked down at the bag of washed clothes, suddenly remembered Shen Yun's number, and thought to herself that in the barracks they probably don't call names, it should be as straightforward as Shen Yun communicated with the officer yesterday. Calling the number, after figuring out the joint, he raised his eyes and smiled and said, "Hello, I'm not looking for Shen Yun, I'm looking for 778527, I'm a friend of 778527, can you call her for me?"

    The officer standing guard suddenly realized, but he didn't understand how Omega said the wrong commander's name, quietly looked at the white, delicate, reserved and lovely Omega in front of him, and admired the eyes of Deputy Commander Shi, he immediately changed his cold attitude and revealed He smiled heartily and said, "You said you were looking for her earlier, so I'll inform you right now."

    "Thank you." Pei Sheng's eyes lit up.

    Sure enough, it is much easier to report the serial number than the name in the barracks.

    A few minutes later, he saw Alpha coming out in a magnetic levitation wheelchair. He was dressed in a gray-black military uniform meticulously. The mask covered the part below the nose, revealing a pair of dark eyes that were deep and dense. Seeing him, he nodded slightly.

    "Your legs are getting worse?" Pei Sheng's eyes were full of worry when he saw her with a smile on his lips.

    Seeing his appearance, Shi Jing smiled lightly and said calmly, "It's okay, a little injury, it will heal after a while, so I just take advantage of this time to take a good vacation."

    He was nervous during the war yesterday, so he didn't pay much attention to the injured part. After the debriefing was over, he couldn't hold on anymore, and was sent to the medical cabin by Shen Shuo.

    After the test, the doctor was angry and criticized her for a while, saying that her leg was injured before her hand fully healed, so she might as well amputate her hand and leg. Qin You will take over the related affairs.

    No, a wheelchair was installed for her directly.

    After all, Pei Sheng is a medical student. Knowing that the wound is nothing to the current stage of medicine, and what it needs is care, he couldn't help asking: "Then, will you be recuperating at home recently?"

    "Yes." Shi nodded in response. road.

    "Does anyone take care of you at home?"

    "No, but..."

    "Is your home far from here?"

    "...not far."

    "I've been free recently, so I can take care of you after school," Pei Shengsheng was afraid of being abrupt, seeing Alpha's eyes change when he looked at her, and his hand holding the bag tightly for fear that Alpha would refuse, he summoned up his courage and said, "And you're doing it because you rescued her." I was injured, so it's only natural for me to take care of you for a few days."

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