Chapter 26

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Chapter 26 When necessary. ·

    "You give an order now to let her erase her memory and reset it by herself," Gu Ling sneered, her eyes twitched, "and let her recognize Qing Ye as her master!

    " , causing Qingye to be unable to order her.

    In this way, the only option is to reset No. 857 and take it back for retraining...

    Shen Siling's neck hurts from being strangled, and he tried to adjust his breathing, biting his lip and looking at the scene, tightly clutching the magic vine, not daring to act rashly, his fingers secretly ecstatic sweat.

    "Yu Jing, reset the memory now," Shi Jing smiled at the expressionless Yu Jing, and stood with his hands behind his back, pointing his fingers at the soldiers next to him, gesticulating rescue strategies, "After resetting the memory, I will recognize Qingye as the master from now on. "

    Yu Jing stared at the red dagger all the time, and replied: "Reset the system, restart the system..."

    "The progress is 0%."

    "The progress is 80%."

    "The progress is 100%."

    ​​"Confirm the owner , Qingye, please give instructions."

    "That's all right?" Gu Ling barely frowned, looking at the cold Yu Jing, full of doubts.

    Qing Ye looked at Yu Jing, stared at her, and tentatively ordered: "Kill Shi Jing."

    Holding the long sword, Yu Jing finally moved his eyes to look at Shi Jing, approaching her step by step, and the long sword pointed straight at the woman. Alpha hacked up.

    This caught Shi Jing off guard, and she was cut off to the side to avoid it. At that moment, the laser sword in her hand was pulled out instantly, and went straight towards Gu Ling's face.

    Gu Ling dodged sideways the moment the laser sword came, and the dagger briefly escaped from Omega's neck, but she couldn't catch Omega again. The moment she relaxed, Shen Siling, who was shackled, grew vines all over his body with lightning speed, and the vines directly slapped her hand away as if they had vitality.

    At the same time, the surrounding soldiers quickly rushed towards her and Qingye.

    As for Shi Jing and Yu Jing, they both turned around and rushed towards the two star thieves, following everyone else.

    "Yu Jing! Kill everyone!" Qingye ordered coldly.

    With humanoid weapons, they don't have to fear any army at all!

    Yu Jing drew his long sword and passed by without even looking at him. The thin blade swung across and slashed directly at Gu Ling's shoulder.

    "!!!" Gu Ling felt something was wrong, raised his hand to block it, his palm was numb, "Number 857!" The

    sword shadow flashed, and the long sword in Yu Jing's hand had already been cut off by Gu Ling holding the knife With his right hand, he kicked her chest, and the powerful force directly kicked the female Alpha who was still arrogant a few meters away. She glanced at Gu Ling who was curled up in a ball because of the loss of her arm, and said slowly: " I'm not number 857, I'm Yu Jing."

    "Ah!" Gu Ling cried out in pain.

    Shi Jing fought with Qing Ye, and cut off the opponent's laser sword with a single blow.

    Seeing an arm swinging by, she deflected her sword a little bit, turned around and raised her leg, and kicked at Qing's head. When she raised her eyes, she saw Gu Ling who was suddenly spurting out blood due to the broken arm. She was screaming at this moment. Quite surprised, he looked towards Yu Jing, and faintly saw the undercurrent in the eyes of the humanoid weapon.

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